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“I thought defeating the monster would swap us back to normal. We ALL thought defeating the monster would swap us back to normal. It didn’t, Katie.” It felt weird for Avery to have to explain this all to his own face, “We found a device the monster held when we defeated him. We thought that might be the key to switching back to normal. We’ve been studying it for weeks now together. We haven’t figured out anything.”

“But I don’t want to be stuck as you,” Katie sobbed.

“And do you think I want to be you? Whatever feels weird or different for you feels just as weird and difficult for me! The last thing I would’ve wanted to do was swap bodies with you...” Avery could see Katie tear up a little more, “...Not that you aren’t awesome or cool or anything. But you hide how smart you are behind this ditzy girlie persona, and that’s been hard for me to keep up for you , you know? I’ve been doing my best, but I really don’t enjoy it!”

“I know. I appreciate that. And I’ve been doing the dorky things you enjoy with your friends, too! Like, video games are actually sort of fun.”

“And thank you for that as well! But still, I think we both want to get back to normal. Should we go back and see if there’s anything we missed?”



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