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“Ugh, this is the fifth swimsuit I’ve tried!” Phil complained to his wife, “Did she not pack anything that fits? Everything is just uncomfortable or exposes her nipples! Maybe she just has weird boobs. God, I hate Exchange Island. I hate this body!”

“For the next week and a half, those are your boobs and that is your body,” His wife Nancy said calmly, “Have you even tried adjusting them after putting on your swimsuit?”

“Doing what now? Come on, it’s not like I’ve ever had boobs before!”

“Here, let me help.”

Nancy walked over to her husband and helped make sure his boobs were properly supported by the swimsuit. Phil had to admit that her hands on this new temporary body of his felt good.

“Maybe we don’t go to the pool yet,” Phil suggested, “Maybe we have some fun here in the room first.”

Nancy knew that tone, even with Phil speaking with that feminine voice he had. “Now, Phil, you know the resort rules prohibit us from having sex in these borrowed bodies,” She lectured.

“That doesn’t mean you can’t spend a little more time helping me adjust my boobs...”



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