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The nurse had been taken a little aback when Pete came forward when Erika’s name was announced, but she tried her best not to be judgmental. She handed him a hospital gown and told him she’d be back in a moment. Pete realized there was certainly no more hiding now. When the nurse returned, she began to ask all sorts of questions about if he was seeing a psychologist or taking hormones.

Pete sighed. He explained that he wasn’t transgender or anything; he had just woken up like this! He explained how this was Erika’s appointment and that his body was still 90% Erika’s, despite his own head.

Then the nurse proceeded to examine him. It started off like a normal physical...until they got to the pelvic exam. Pete couldn’t believe his girlfriend went through that on a regular basis. It felt so violating! He also had to pee in a cup, which he found much more difficult to do with a vagina. And due to his unusual predicament, they did some additional testing as well.

But the doctor and nurse sat Pete down at the end of it all. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Erika’s body was just as healthy (and certainly just as female) as it had been compared to the previously exam. They couldn’t find a reason how or why Pete’s head was now attached to her body, and they suspected the same would be true for Erika’s head on Pete’s body. They wished they could tell him more; they wished they could offer a solution. Pete wished that too.



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