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“Is this your first time at the gynecologist?” The receptionist asked me.

“Yeah,”  I responded, “You know, the Great Shift. Body swapping. I was a guy; I’m a woman now. And, you know, as such, well, here I am.”

“Oh, you just seemed so comfortable sitting there.”

“Based on what my sister tells me, the gynecologist is not exactly a ‘comfortable’ experience, so if I’m sitting here like everything is going to be fine, I think that speaks more to my inexperience here, no?”

“Well, most former men showing up here has been nervous at even the idea of seeing the doctor.”

“Oh, I’m extremely nervous. Maybe I’m not giving off those nervous vibes, but, oh, yeah, the idea of someone going down there for the first time and just sort of checking things out? You better believe I’m nervous about that! I haven’t even really done that! I tried, but it’s much more difficult than I imagined! And sticking something up there? I definitely haven’t done that yet! No way, I just haven’t built up the courage! Like I said, my sister told me everything. I guess I’m prepared, but no, no I’m not comfortable about this at all.”



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