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Kara awoke hearing an evil laugh. While both the sinister style and tone sounded familiar, they didn’t quite seem to mesh properly. She tried to attune her ears to filter what was going on, but something seemed wrong with her super hearing. In fact, all of her powers seemed to be gone -- yet she didn’t sense any kryptonite.

Panic began to set in as she realized she not only didn’t have her powers, she didn’t even have her own body! And it only took a turn of her head to confirm her worst fears, as she saw her own body there cackling.

“I can’t believe it worked,” Lex Luthor said from inside Kara’s body, “I am Supergirl! And you are...”

“Lex Luthor,” Kara said begrudgingly.

“Being me isn’t so bad. At least you’ll be reasonably wealthy. And, truthfully, I would have preferred being in your cousin’s body instead of yours, but he hasn’t been around much it seems. And so you were the one to fall into my trap. I can’t complain; your powers are certainly comparable.”

“You’ll never get away with this.”

“Haven’t I already gotten away with it though?”



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