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Craig had heard rumors about the latest tech devices a company had been installing in various places. It was the first one he had seen in his town, and it was much more subtle than he would have thought. It was just a simple red sign with instructions on a chair; the small device above the chair did the work.

The instructions were plain. You sit down on the chair, tap your payment method, and then the device will transform you into the person who sat in the chair before you. Your own body is stored for the next customer. There were additional disclaimers and information as well, most notably a line in bold about how the machine would keep you at your current age and identity. Craig sat and inserted his 10 Earth Credits. The device went to work.

It only took about a minute before Craig had a new body. It seemed the person who used the device previously was a woman. He realized that if he wanted his own body back, he’d have to use the device again right away, before anyone else did. At the same time, this body could certainly be fun for a while. Besides, in the big City, thousands of people were randomly swapping into new bodies every day. It was just the trendy and cool thing to do. Considering this device was relatively new in his town, he was just an early adopter.



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