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Edward sat down in the confessional and heard the priest shuffle on the other side of the window. The priest didn’t saw a word before Edward opened his mouth.

“I don’t consider myself a religious person,” Edward began, “I mean, I attended Catholic School growing up, but I stopped attending church once I went to college. But I suppose that’s not really important. What I have to confess is that, you see, I found myself in this body about ten minutes ago. That part wasn’t my fault; I don’t know how it happened. What I am confessing is what I’ve been doing in the ten or so minutes since I found myself in it. I saw she was a nun, but she was also a woman. I’m actually a guy, and I was curious! I’ve been in the bathroom doing all sorts of naughty things to myself. And now, fuck, I just feel bad about doing that to this woman’s body! Probably especially because she is a nun.”

“Do you think I fucking care?” The priest on the other side of the window said, “I also found myself in someone else’s body about ten minutes ago...this body! In this small little room. I can’t seem to find the latch to open the damn door. I honestly don’t care what you’ve done or what you do next, but if you could help me get out of here, I’d appreciate it.”



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