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“Jesus Christ, Man! How the fuck do you not notice?” Chris asked Todd.

“Notice what?” Todd replied, looking up from his studies.

“We went to that strip club last night, there was this strange blue light, and you swapped bodies with a stripper!”

“I think I’d remember if I swapped bodies with a stripper.”

“Dude! You’re wearing nothing but a bikini top and a thong!”

“Yeah, I know my outfit is a little dorky, but so what? I stopped caring about what others think about  my outfits a long time ago.”

“Dorky!? No, you used to be dorky, but now...you’re hot! You’ve got big boobs and everything!”

“It’s actually kind of chilling...and are you making fun of my weight?”

“No! But come on! Look at yourself! You don’t look like any other guy at all!”

“And I value my uniqueness. Now, if you’ll stop pestering me about all these wild tales about how I swapped bodies with some woman, I’ve got to get back to my studying.”



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