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“Excuse me, Miss, you can’t be in here. This is a restricted area.” Arnold scolded after finding a scantily clad woman at the controls of the nuclear reactor.

“Yeah, I know it’s restricted, and you better be glad I got here two hours ago shortly after the Great Shift. If I hadn’t, this thing would’ve melted down, and everyone within a hundred miles would be dead. You think the idiots who find themselves swapped into our bodies would had any idea what they were doing? When I found myself in this body, I didn’t exactly run home for my ID badge like you did. I didn’t even change out of this outfit! I just came here immediately and got to work saving everyone’s ass, including yours.” The woman said.

Arnold cleared his throat, realizing the woman must be one of his co-workers. “My apologies, but who are you?”

“Bill,” The woman said, “Bill Worthers.”

“Bill? Oh, man, I’m sorry. I guess I just never would’ve expected...”

“Yeah. Me neither. I guess we’re both women now though. I have no idea who this chick is though; did you swap with a librarian or something?”

“No, but my wife did let me borrow one of her dresses...but that’s besides the point. Is everything here stable?”

“Yeah, like I said, you were all lucky I was nearby. I’m sure there are going to plenty of places that aren’t going to be so lucky...”



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