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Kai was a little surprised when Lin showed up to the lab. Lin was an amazingly attractive, popular student on campus; Kai wondered why she would come to see a dork like him. Kai could barely stutter out the word hello when he saw her.

“Relax, dude, it’s me. It’s Rob,” Lin’s body said, “That weird ooze you invented? Yeah, it worked. I slipped a little in Lin’s water bottle at the gym and drank a little myself. The next thing we knew, we were transforming into each other. We had to switch clothes and everything.”

“I thought you were going to use that to become like a quarterback or a basketball player!” Kai sputtered out, “I didn’t think you’d steal Lin Chang’s body!”

“Well, I did. And I’ve come to say thanks like I promised. Just name the time and place, and you can just fuck me as long as you can.”

“Dude! When you said thanks I thought you were going to give me money or something! I can’t fuck Lin! I mean, I would, but I can’t fuck you as Lin! That’s hugely violating! And you’re really a guy!”

“I assure you, I am absolutely not a guy right now. And, trust me, this is your chance. If you’re worried that it’s me inside, well, it’s going to continue being me inside, because I’m staying like this. You never would’ve had a chance with the original Lin anyway. This is your one chance, dude.”



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