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Like a lot of people, Noah did freak out when the Great Shift swapped him into a different body, but he decided to handle it like he handled a lot of stresses in his young life -- by taking a lot of drugs and going to a club.

When he first popped the pills, he was worried. His heart seemed to pound faster than usual, and he was worried the older body he now had was going to have a heart attach instead of a high. But soon enough, the pleasure took over. He looked around the club; it was less crowded than usual, but there were still more than enough people there trying to distract themselves from their own swapped bodies.

It only took a drink to completely forget he was now a 50 year old Asian woman instead of a 23 year old white guy. He unsuccessfully hit on young woman and made a fool of himself on the dance floor. A few more drinks in, and the world began to get blurry and dark.

He awoke the next morning with his body feeling sore in ways he had never experienced before. He felt parts that were sore that he never had before yesterday. He vomited on the floor, and noticed a used condom on the bedside. After going to the bathroom, he found another used condom inside his vagina. Thinking about this all caused him to vomit again. When he returned to the bed, there was a noticeable lump in the sheets. A man was fast asleep there. If he had anything left to vomit, he was sure he’d do it again. He may have become a woman as a result of the Shift, but it seems he really embraced that after the club.



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