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The latest exhibit at the museum brought countless visitors. The room was only so big, so a limited number of people were allowed in at one time; the line was long, even for the exclusive premiere. 

Perhaps the most intriguing work was in the center of the small room. Two spheres that seemed to float in the air. There appeared to be no strings from above or support from below. Just as John was admiring them closely, a child came up and touched them. Security tried to warn him, but it was too late; it all happened too fast.

John quickly realized he was now in the child’s body, a young girl about 8 or 9. In fact, it seemed everyone in the room was now in someone else’s body.

“I’m not usually one who would support touching art,”’ John spoke to the two dozen or so people in the room, “But this happened when this girl touched it, so maybe if I just touch it again?” Whoever was in the security guard’s body nodded.

And sure enough once John touched it again, everyone swapped bodies once more. Unfortunately, not back into their own bodies. John was now at least thankful to be older, though he was now in the body of a trendy woman with hoop earrings and some sort of designer puffy clothes.

He looked around and kept getting nods. And so he once again put his hand on the sphere, but this time? Nothing. And museum staff were beginning to pressure the people inside to leave to let the next group in...



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