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Harold squatted to get a better look at the dead animal on the floor that had just moments ago been at his work station.

“Well, it looks like you picked the wrong time to go snooping about my lab,” He said aloud as if expecting a response, “I was about to make a breakthrough. I could’ve brought that animal back to life! But instead? It seems your brain is now trapped in its decaying carcass. The animal’s brain seems clearly stuck in my body -- which I am keeping alive in stasis. And, of course, for the time being, I seem to be you. Lord knows what you were here for, especially dressed like this! It’s quite uncomfortable, yet somehow not entirely too unpleasant.”

Then Harold saw something he didn’t expect. The animal’s body began to quiver. He rushed to grab a piece of equipment from a desk.

“Oh, my,” He spoke in soliloquy again, ”It seems your brain has helped bring that rotting flesh back to life after all! I’m sure you are in for quite the surprise once you start taking everything in. Though this certainly delays any plans I had to return to my own body. You, my dear, will be need to be studied!”



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