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Steve walked uncomfortably back into Inaya’s dorm room, sitting and placing his hands awkwardly between his legs. The two freshmen were still trying to figure out how they had swapped bodies after having sex for the first time last night.

“You didn’t tell me,” He said as he glared over at Inaya.

“Stop blaming me!” Inaya protested, “I had no idea we were going to swap bodies after having sex last night! If you think I’m enjoying being you...I’m not! I don’t know how many times I have to say this.”

“No, it’s not that. You didn’t tell me...” Steve paused, “...That you’re dying!”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I’m hemorrhaging! I just went to the bathroom! I can’t stop it!”

“Huh?” Inaya thought for a moment, “Oh...oh! Oh my! No! Oh, God! No, Steve, you’re not dying. You’re having my period. I would’ve warned you, but it’s a few days early; I didn’t expect it. And...well...wow, I knew our first time was awkward last night, but you really know NOTHING about the female body, do you?”

“Right now, I know a lot more than I wish I did.”

“I guess that’s true. But, just...stop being so dramatic. My period is just one of the things you’ll have to deal with while our bodies our swapped. We’ll try to do some research about how to swap back, but let’s deal with your immediate problem first.”



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