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Gavin was trying to figure out exactly what went wrong with his invention and why his girlfriend was acting so weird. He had hoped the device would allow him to read her mind. Instead, she just started acting aloof and weird. She was in the process of getting dressed when he stealthily used it on her, and she even stopped doing that midway through. 

It was about twenty minutes later when he finally figured it out. His girlfriend began to go to the cat’s liter box and began to dig a hole.

Gavin watched in amazement. Instead of reading his girlfriend’s mind, their cat must have been in between them. Somehow, it had swapped his girlfriend’s mind with their cat! The confused cat in his girlfriend’s body struggled with how small the liter box seemed relative to its new body. And, of course, the cat knew nothing about human underwear, so instead of peeing in the hole it had just dug, it ended up peeing its panties. Gavin was very worried about how he was going to clean up both the literal and figurative mess!



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