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Jonathan worked as a freelancer and often bounced from job to job. He often spent just as much time looking for an assignment than he spent on the actual assignment. And after a surprisingly large payday, he treated himself to the latest Street Fighter video game. He obviously became distracted, spent too much time engrossed in the game, and not enough time looking for more work. He knew his girlfriend was getting annoyed.

And one day he woke up in a strange ornate house, clearly designed with a lot of Asian influence. But as weird as the house was, his body was even stranger. It certainly wasn’t his own. The shape was feminine yet muscular, and the clothes...well, they looked like...no, it couldn’t be.

It took a while for Jonathan to find a mirror in the house, but the body in the reflection was undeniable. He was Chun Li! If this was his girlfriend’s idea of punishment; it certainly didn’t FEEL like punishment! In fact, he felt great! He was the strongest woman alive! If she thought he might be upset about being a woman, Jonathan didn’t even give his new gender a second thought! But what he did think about was if he could pull off her moves! How cool would it be to actually do a Spinning Bird Kick in real life? Or a Lightning Kick? He couldn’t wait to give it a try!



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