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Swapped League, Part 1
Swapped League, Part 2 

Meanwhile, inside the local Gotham satellite office of the Daily Planet, Barry Allen was now inside the body of reporter, Lois Lane -- while Lois herself was now in the body of Jimmy Olsen.

“Why exactly are you wearing that?” Lois asked.

“I just can’t sit idle and do nothing,” Barry insisted, “I need to reconnect with the Speed Force. I thought putting on my old costume might help me do that. If I can just run fast enough, I’m sure I can reverse time or maybe it will undo the Great Shift entirely.”

“That’s not even close to how physics work.”

“We’re living in a world where a magical man from space can stop bullets with his washboard abs; where we all just swapped bodies; and you think there’s something physically impossible about running really fast to stop it all? I promise you; this is gonna work!”



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