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Well, it would seem the pain Roger had been feeling for the past week was starting to make sense and the bad luck, too! This crazy woman had apparently performed some sort of weird voodoo on him, and with whatever she just did, it appears she had stolen his body, leaving him in hers. 

He had no idea what sort of voodoo spell she used to do this, who she was, or why she chose to target him. However, while he didn’t know much about voodoo (he certainly wasn’t going to be able to perform another body swapping ritual to get back to his own body), he had seen enough movies. Spying the doll that was clearly meant to represent him, he stuck a pin in it. 

Upon feeling nothing with his present body, he could only presume that the doll was still linked to his original body. He figured even if he couldn’t swap back, he could make life as unpleasant as possible for the woman currently in his body that had stolen his life. He pulled out an entire jar of pins, ready to get his revenge.



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