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For a while after the Great Shift swapped him into his girlfriend’s body, Joe considered going by Joelle or Jo. But despite what his outer body looked like, he knew he was still a guy at heart. And so, he ended up just sticking with Joe.

It worked the same sort of way with his appearance. Sure, he tried embracing his girlfriend’s feminine style, but ultimately, he cut his hair short and generally wore men’s clothing or at least things that looked somewhat masculine.

And his girlfriend, Anne, followed a similar path. She tried to act like a dude now that she had Joe’s body for a while, but it just couldn’t stick.

Yet the one thing that did still work for both of them was their relationship. Despite being in each other’s bodies, they were more in love than ever. They were even starting to plan their wedding, and were meeting to discuss plans.

Joe waited while Anne ran late. When she finally arrived, Joe greeted her with a common refrain, “God, you make my body look so stupid sometimes.”

“Right back at ya!” Anne laughed.

“I think I’ve seen lesbians dress like this!”

“But you’re hardly a lesbian as long as you’re with me!”

It was Joe’s turn to laugh, “No, I guess you’re right...”


“God, you make my body look so stupid sometimes.” Anne heard Joe say from a distance.

Making fun of each other was common for both of them. That sort of banter often made Anne feel like she was already married to Joe. She knew she probably looked stupid by continuing to wear women’s yoga pants and high heels even though she had Joe’s body, but she did it so she felt better about herself, not for anyone else. She realized Joe dressed the way he did for similar reasons.

Of course, she couldn’t let him get away without a barb of her own. As soon as she saw an opening, she spouted out, “You’re hardly a lesbian as long as you’re with me,” referencing the previous night.

As the jokes toned down, they began to talk about their wedding plans. Anne had an uncomfortable favor.

“I know it’s weird, but...would you mind wearing my mom’s old dress for the wedding?” She asked before adding, “I think it would mean a lot to her. It was something I promised I would do prior to the Shift, and considering the body she’s now in...I don’t think she’ll be around much longer. And I think it would mean a lot to her to see you dressed like that and for a moment have her think that’s me up there...”

“Of course, but I guess you gotta wear a tux that day.”

“Yeah, not looking forward to that, but it’s fair. But after the wedding, we’re back to the usual.”

“For sure!”

“Good, because I’ve been working out and your former body is going to look so good in a bikini on our honeymoon...”



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