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It hadn’t been easy since the Great Shift. Calvin was doing best to adjust to being a woman while also trying to support his girlfriend Anne, who had found herself in the body of a man. She hated everything about her new body, but Calvin would do his best to reassure her or give her help when she needed it.

When he arrived home from work one day, he found Anne sitting on the kitchen table in their apartment. He expected it would be another session of comforting her; instead she blindsided him by breaking up. She had a trash bag full of some of her old clothes (that he had been wearing since the Shift), and explained that he would have to move out.

Calvin was furious. He had been such a good boyfriend these past few months and she had the nerve to dump him!? He had a few friends he could count on, but his rage as he walked to one of their apartments was hard to contain. It didn’t get any better once the clouds opened up and started to rain heavily.

Pete lived closest, but Calvin was still soaked by the time he got there. Even the clothes inside the trash bag had gotten completely wet. Calvin took everything off, wrapped himself in a towel, and threw the clothes into the dryer. Meanwhile, Pete realized there was technically a beautiful single woman who was practically n*ked in his apartment. Sure that woman was also technically his friend Calvin, but it wouldn’t be the weirdest hookup he’d had since the Shift. If he could convince Calvin, that is...



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