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Kevin had a crush on his friend Maya ever since they met in freshmen year of college. When an accident in a research class caused them to swap bodies, he thought it might a dream come true. There were so many movies and television shows were people fell in love after such circumstances, after all! However, Kevin quickly found it was more of a nightmare.

For starters, it was almost irritating that Maya seemed unphased by the swap. She told Kevin that she trusted him with her body since he was “such a good friend.” And, of course, she asked him to keep a date with a guy she was seeing, Todd. Kevin obviously hated Todd.

But Kevin also didn’t want to let Maya down, so he kept the date; he dressed in the outfit Maya picked out and everything. At the very least, he figured it was a free meal and maybe he could sabotage the relationship at the same time.

He order the most expensive thing on the menu, a nice juicy steak. When it arrived he picked it up with his hands, eyeing Todd with a mix of anger and envy.

“Is everything okay?” Todd eventually asked.

“Everything is fine,” Kevin replied in between bites.

“I feel like I did something wrong. The way you’re looking at me, for instance. And the steak? I thought you were a vegetarian!”

“I said, ‘Everything is fine.’”



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