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Peter realized he probably should’ve confessed sooner. Was there even a point to trying to hide it? Of course, Mr. Stark was going to figure it out! And while there was no shortage of a guilt trip, there were also some great benefits. For starters, Peter got a new suit that allowed had technology to mimic his original body’s powers while he was stuck in Natasha’s body. It sort of made him feel more natural; well, at least as natural as one could feel while being a man stuck in a woman’s body wearing a skintight nanosuit while swinging through the streets of Queens like a spier.

The fact that there was now a woman Spider-Man -- or rather a Spider-Woman -- seemed to barely make a dent in news reports. Well, most media except for The Daily Bugle website, that is. It spread the wildest rumors on the internet about how a transformed Spider-Man was in cahoots with trans activists to turn all of NYC gay...or something like that. Peter tended to turn it off before listening to that blowhard Jameson for too long...



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