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“Oh, my God! What just happened!?” Josh screamed, “I’m...I’m not in my own body. This is...this is Ms. Lu’s body. No, no, no! She’s the CFO! I don’t know anything about being a CFO! I just graduation from college a few weeks ago! I’m just entry level --”

“Can you calm down?” Ellen Lu interrupted, “You need to relax here...is it...John?”


“Right. Josh. Look, Josh, I don’t know how or why we swapped bodies, but if you make a big deal about it, we’re both probably going to end up in an insane asylum. So we need to fake it, okay? And it’s not so hard. It’s 90% attitude, and the other 10% is numbers that I can help you with behind the scenes, okay? So just project confidence. You are Ellen Lu. Ellen Lu doesn’t take shit from anyone, okay? You just walk into that next meeting like a cold-hearted b*tch, pretend to pay attention, and then forward me the PowerPoint once they send it to you. You got it?”

“I guess so.”

“You guess so? For a man, you need to know some g*ddamn balls....Well...actually, I suppose now you know what it’s like not to have them...”



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