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Part 1 | Part 2

It took Dustin, Rohan, and Jun about ten minutes to realize they had all traveled back in time thirty years and now were inhabiting the bodies of each other’s mothers. While Dustin and Rohan were in pure panic mode, Jun started thinking of other concerns.

“Guys,” Jun said from inside the body of Rohan’s mom while staring blankly at the calendar on the wall, “It’s 1994. We were all born in 1995. It takes nine months to make a baby...”

“...And I was born first,” Dustin interrupted from inside Jun’s mom’s body before turning to Rohan, “You gotta start f*cking my dad, Rohan! I don’t wanna not be born.”

“I am not f*cking your dad, Dustin!” Rohan exclaimed from inside the body of Dustin’s mom.

“None of us may have a choice.” Jun added, “There’s a time travel theory that you can’t prevent the future. It will happen because it already happened.”

“So, like, growing up when our moms yelled at us, was that us yelling at each other?”

“If we don’t travel back before that? Yes, we’ll do everything they did. And even with my advanced physics degree, I have no idea how we even traveled back in the first place, let alone how to return. But right now, we’re in uncharted territory. We have no idea what each other’s moms did in moments like now when we weren’t around. We have to presume they had this exact conversation, and we have to anticipate to act as they would have in any given situation.”



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