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Jack woke up on a soft bed. He liked the softness; it wasn’t like the cold, hard ground he usually slept on. Soft was good, and he let out a content grunt to indicate his approval. Forming complex and coherent thoughts had been hard since Cecil had stolen his intelligence; he also had little concept of exactly how long it had been since it all began.

But today, something felt different, and it wasn’t just the soft bed. He started by touching his face, feeling the familiar rough beard and long hair that had grown in since his capture. But it was the rest of his body that felt different. It was soft, like the bed, but better. His hands ran up and down, knowing that it felt wrong but not quite remembering what “right” felt like either.

His hand eventually reached his crotch. A feeling of panic set in, knowing something was missing but not being able to figure out what it was. This was mixed with a feeling of pleasure, as he was exciting his new erogenous zone. He tried to explore deeper, but thwarted by the pants he wore. Instead he settled for humping various things around the room. Jack could feel his body wanted to be f*cked -- one of the few desires he had left -- but was left completely confused about how to do that with the body he now had below the neck.

Cecil watched it all from behind the one way mirror. Jack hadn’t been his first attempt to swap a man’s head onto a woman’s body, but he was quite pleased that this one was actually successful...



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