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Hey! Big changes coming this New Year. Approaching the first anniversary, I want the site's journey to reflect in its quality. Here's what's coming soon:

More variety within a single set: Sets got a bit monotonous, so I tried adding three different positions (standing, sitting, and from behind). Still, the monotony remains in the 20 images per set. I've been experimenting and can now bring a wider range of positions and diverse races within the same concept. Expect this variety in most sets soon (except celebrity or specific character sets).

Manual content for more explicit results: Few AI creators manually intervene in images for complex and aesthetically pleasing sexual positions. It's a laborious process, but I've gained expertise. You'll soon see examples of these challenging concepts. The uniqueness here is that each set will consist of a single position, with only the person in the image changing.

Special sets with a storyline: The latest addition will allow sets with simple stories. "Guy A meets Guy B and ends up in fucking" will dominate initially, but I'm open to your suggestions for different story types.

Some backlash: I'm putting more time into improving quality, so sets might get a bit smaller. Don't expect less than 10 images, but 20 might be a stretch. Hopefully, the quality boost makes up for it.

New lower tier: Soon, a lower-cost tier, the tip level, will open. I'll regularly upload small sets with 3-5 images, offering glimpses of higher-level content. Occasionally, I'll upload larger mixes with backlog work, available for all levels.

New upper tier: After nearly a year of work, the earliest sets no longer represent the current quality. I'll review and remove furry and anime work (not produced here anymore) and sets with very low quality. Eventually, all remaining work will move to this tier as an archive. The idea is that the Standard and Master levels only have access to content from the last 3 months (it feels unfair that long-time supporters enjoy the same content as someone new). This new tier will contain all historical work, and it's meant only to new people who wants see my work from beginning.

Minor tweaks: 

Updated the site branding and Patreon descriptions. 

Compressed files will be in ZIP instead of RAR, starting tomorrow.

Also, some Twitter promos https://twitter.com/AndraxProject are now videos. Would appreciate a follow and a retweet; YouTube shut my second channel, and Twitter's my main promo spot.

Big thanks for sticking around despite last year's rough close with the suspension of my main channels. 2024's about bouncing back.

Remember, I read all your comments (in any language). So, suggestions, feedback, or complaints, hit me up.




Todo ello me parece estupendo, sobre todo privilegiar la calidad frente a la cantidad. Y es genial que propongas los archivos en ZIP, no funcionan los de RAR en mi ordenador.


Lo que a mí me gustaría es tener más modelos negros y latinos... Por si te inspira ;)


Va a ver mucho de todo, cuando veas el primer set bajo este nuevo sistema lo podras ver