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Hello, everyone.

This week has been really tiring and exhausting. I was swamped with commitments, both in my studies and work, even when I had free time, like today, I had to work on other projects, so yeah... It's been one of those weeks when things get needlessly complicated. As a result, it's highly likely that I'll have to put in some extra work on Sunday to make this update the best it can be. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Anyways, the render presented here depicts a discussion between Tokuko and Ema. Tokuko's storyline for this update revolves around discussing matters with Naoki's harem (her partners) through lies and deceit. I'm quite pleased with some of the renders in this update. For some reason, I really enjoy creating Ema's angry expressions; I don't know, there's something appealing about them haha.

Friend's Harem Corruption (Estimated: v0.21 for Patrons and v0.20 for the Public on 1st October)

Main Changes

  • Tokuko's Story Update (Teasing + Licking + ?)
  • Tokuko's Night Interactions Special Events
  • New choices (locations) in the morning

Thank you for your support and for taking the time to read. Take care and have a wonderful day!



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