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The model attached is a W.I.P., I was undecided if show it or not due the recent polemic about the last Stretch Goal (The Chosen), but I want to show you I work over more models. My actual idea is to release it to all patrons (sci-fi and fantasy) as soon as it is completed (maybe this month, but I'm not sure, as always, I'm in delay).  So, it is not a stretch goal (something that will be releases as soon as we reached a goal). 

Unfortunately (or fortunately), Ghamak is close to being a one-man show company. I have to divide my time between sculpting, Patreon messages,  Facebook conversations, MyMiniFactory's PM, Patreon's comments and, again, on MMF. Not only this, but there is also the part where I have to correct the files (which from time to time occasionally disappear or begin corrupted, or have defects that the tight Patreon deadlines do not allow me to notice), and do not neglect the bureaucratic burdens; believe it or not, my work starts from 9 in the morning until more or less 8 in the evening, every single day.

 I have to make the hard choice of choosing what to prioritize, sculpting and checking files are in the first place, Patreon comments almost to the end, I don't know if it is the best choice. I need someone that read PM, answer, update the page etc. etc. but I cannot assign this work to anyone, because Patreon do not allow me to gain a (very expensive) upgrade to my Patreon page that allows me to assign roles on the page (I need the impossible amount of 100000 followers on any social media). So, if on Facebook sometimes Paolo or Emiliano help me, but on Patreon where I accumulate even 30 PM per day, it is all my duty (I didn't know exactly how many messages I have to read on MMF, sorry). Also, comments on posts are hard to find after a few hours, I must search the Patreon email or scroll every single post to find the new comment. 

To make things difficult, some of you shared the Drive folders links. It is just weird to see your work stolen, became weirder when you pay the cloud storage for people that stolen it. So, all is moved to MyMiniFactory groups, the problem is I must manually add every new patron's email inside the right group, before now was a single add at the end of the month (or first days of the subsequent month). Another issue, MMF upload is slow and I have slow internet (I hope 5G will save me), so it is a boring, long process. I must make a decision about that. 

I have to update the guidepost, because it refers to the old file sharing method, I'm still unsure how to get around it, and I haven't done that yet. I know this generated confusion. A resounding "mea culpa." 

Just to answer many of your questions, you need to have a MyMinifactory account with your Patreon Email to have access to the files, your email is just added to the group. If you have a better solution, please comment here. 

As positive note, all the models, missed on the preview, are completed and you'll find it tomorrow or after tomorrow (remember the slow internet):


  •  Three Dragons Riders
  • Pegasus
  • City Guards
  • Chosen with alternative energy flux


  • 40 and 25 mm scenic bases

All the rendering are almost ready

Thanks for your support and patience :)





You do a great job. Sculpting is fantastic and I am amazed at how much (good) work you have turned out over the years….

Amber Jordan

People are dog shit and always feel entitled to other people's personal work. Just know most of us are understanding and more than happy to wait a bit longer for the phenomenal work you put out. Thank you for taking the time to talk about it and being transparent on how much work is on your plate at any one time!

Niels Kristensen

Aw man. I'm sure that I speak for the vast majority when I say that its really impressive what you accomplish each month and that it just keeps getting better and better. I actually feel bad contacting you about model fixes on FB now. I was sure that you were a team reading and reacting to those. I know firsthand how many unforseen jobs come with a one man company. Much love from here!


Thanks amber, I appreciate your comment. Other people is capable to do doing so, it is my fault. Somewhere and in some task I'm too slow, or not so well organized, so I understand I must improve. Thanks again for your kind words :)

Andrew Enns

I can't speak for anyone else, although I'm sure many feel the same way, but your stuff is amazing. Don't worry about the communication aspect. That should be the lowest priority for you. First and foremost make sure you stay healthy, both mentally and physically. I sure don't mind waiting for your stuff


Oh no, you have all the rights to pretend the models you have purchased is right and without problem. Also, if you report me problem I can fix it you help me to improve the service. Thanks for your feedback and support :)


I'm sorry you had to deal with piracy. People don't realize how much that affects small businesses/individuals.love your work, hope it doesn't discourage you, I gladly pay the small monthly fee your your hard work and talent. Thank you.


Thank you for what you do. Im sorry others are terrible.


Francesco I know I am new to the group, and your work is awe-inspiring. You do know there is a pause function on patreon as another one I follow put his on pause so he could clear his mind and centre himself, as well as changes to home like new kids etc. Where I am going is that you need to keep in mind that your health will suffer if you over burden your self and you drive to excellence will burn out if you are not careful which none of us want to happen. If you need to pause patreon or give a reduced month's worth of models as I for one will have no problems with that and will fully understand the stresses you are going through. Hope that makes sense Mark


Thanks mate. No one is terrible, the problem is some people are not aware of other people issue.


Hi Mark, I perfectly understand your point and agree. What is about to become a small company is essentially the redemption of my life. I can't stop now; it will takes a little, maybe a few months, before I can take some days of absolute rest. Thanks for your advice, I like it and it has a lot of sense for me; I'll be even more careful trying to spend more time with my family.

Brian Orban

Thanks for sharing this. As I look forward to the second half of what is already an amazing fantasy release, your message makes me appreciate the tremendous work behind the quality I see month in, month out. It's also worth saying that posting delays or other minor inconveniences are well worth it if they help fight piracy. I've seen files shared in groups or sold on Etsy (from other sculptors but I'm sure you're a victim) and it breaks my heart to see micro-business like this lose sales.


Just do what you think is right and fair. You've done a perfect job so far, so don't change anything, we'll be patient and understanding ;-)


Thank you for the hard work!


We appreciate you


You are amazing, as your work. I hate piracy, specially when it hits small bussisness who deserve better. Aliexpress is infuriating.

Aubrey Ramage Lay

Don’t kill yourself hire some permanent staff!

Philippe Tremblay

keep up the goodwork! The « loyalty » will be rewarded eventually ;)

Lucas Johnson

i have been a member for over a year(sci-fi/fantasy tier)and the whole Stretch Goal (The Chosen) being held back is just BS and is why i will be unsubbing and not coming back

Jared Rutledge

I appreciate your work. I haven’t been around as long as most. I am just here for some cool models.


Thanks for your explanation of whats going on! I've been a patreon (merchant tier) for some months now and your work still amazes me. Most of your models are well supported and print very easily and the variation is great! BUT: I've send you a couple of messages that have not been answered and if they have, I had to wait for almost 2 weeks. That is, in my humble opinion, a poor customer service, especially for your merchants out there that rely on "undamaged" and complete print files. I fully understand that it is a lot of work if done alone but why not hire someone for managing social media / connection with your patreons / answering messages and concentrate yourself on the modeling? You have more than 1.400 patreons that contribute at least 9 € / month. That should be financially manageable. Furthermore a good support / social media presence may also get you a lot more patreons.


I have no idea what MMF Tribes rules are but if Patreon is such a hassle what about that?. I have been a merchant for a long while now, if you had to moved services I would personally follow.


Hey Francesco, I, and probably most of the community, can understand and sympathise with your workload. I like your work, the many small and larger details and one can feel how much love and time you invest. As soon as a certain workload is reached, I almost always recommend bringing in additional staff and/or restructuring the work. Sometimes annoying or recurring tasks can be delegated to a community manager or staff member. Why you have to steal the STL files, precisely because they cost so little, is beyond me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, take care! Fabian / Milner


I'm sorry if this is something obvious, but I've been looking through the site and I'm not seeing the answer. Where can I find the discount code for this month? Thank you very much!


Hello, brand new to Patreon! Very excited to be a part. Your models are delightful. I was wondering, why don’t you do Tribes on MMF? It’s so similar to Patreon.


Ciao Francesco, si sa quando usciranno i nuovi supportati (ti chiedo perchè da pivello della stampa senza quelli non sono in grado di stampare)? e quando sapremo dei modelli del prossimo mese?


Sorry to add to the load, but I think I may be one of those falling through the cracks on MMF. Been with you for a while there with no issues but I haven’t seen any of the dragons. If I missed something and they are still just not pushed yet I am sorry for the bother.




First of, don't sweat it. You're doing great work and we can wait for the files and replies and so on. No problem. I am confused about one thing now though, I can find the dragon riders on the google drive but not in the share on MMF. Are future releases now going back to a google drive link? Are they going to be shared exclusively through MMF? Some clarification there might be useful to know.


Hey, brother. Don't sweat it. Maybe try to find a part the community manager for Patreon an mmf.