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Reason this poll exist is becuz , well.... some of you guys like GORE and want to see those stuff on the upcoming comic (TUGB3) . I ran across these assets on the internet , i always said i'm with the ppl right ? Well imma let ppl decide this one , oh boi here goes nothing .

This is some heavy shiets so turn back now while u still can or go on as your own risk , i prob will take this poll down the moment we done with it .


WELP ........... lord , have mercy on ur soul

Deleted due to Patreon policy



People please don’t let those girls cover in blood. :(


This is not the right thing to do at all , i should take this poll down before it's too late .


I like it


no :( please~

M´ s Den of Lust and Desire

I love her face expression and the idea behind it but the gore content makes it too real for me. Also I would not cover them in blood too. However using blood as an asset to threaten them feels OK for me. Maybe you can work with darkness instead? Make a siloutte with her in the middle and from the darkness around you could only see some of the madness around her? Maybe like in the Mad Max Movie, where you can briefly see women chained to a device that is pumping their milk. Then we get to see the harem of the leader, all beautiful women. So a very brief and short moment of desperation and then pure... Damned what's the word... You probably know what I mean. Can't look it up right now. So it is hot to know this could happen but don't let it and show it in another way.

M´ s Den of Lust and Desire

Thinking about it... Maybe this is why monster hentai is working so well? In monster Hentai you usually don't get to see blood but ooze. It is well, sort of a strangereal universe. Maybe you could try to sort of enstrange the blood and the limbs into something else, that clearly points out the edge of possible things to come, without the real association with blood? I don't know, cover the bottom on some kind of white ooze and make the other victims lie on their backs, also covered in it so that they can barely breath if they don't drink some of it. This could be a cum whole, where they get tossed into to die of, maybe, well the gobo leader must ride a wargh? Maybe this could be his den and the women are his breeders and the goboa could watch from above and sometimes spray their cum into the pit, because they get so hot by it? And sometimes the wargh or it's offspring must eat..... This could be depicted by old bones... See there you go.

M´ s Den of Lust and Desire

Gosh I am not really awake yet... Seeing that half of the people actually want to see this, why don't you make a bad end version? Where some stories end differently?


I voted for can’t decide Frankly speaking, a corpse or two for immersion purpose is fine. But swimming in a pool with all the blood and human parts? That’s a bit too much for my taste. However based the poll feedbacks, a relatively large proportion of us do actually want to see extreme content. If we go full democracy here on TUBG3, then their preference should also be respected. Perhaps the best solution to make everyone happy is to do an alternative ending (extreme)? Just like before, you had these x-ray and non-x-ray version. I hope it is not too much extra work for you.


Yeah that's what i'm thinking rightnow , making two seperated endings , one is a good ending where everyone survived and maybe some injured . The second ending is a bad one , the gobs killed of alot of their captives for entertainment or for food but either way there will be alot of blood.....the maincast will live tho as i need them for sequel or later projects . Still i'll have to respect the ''Lewd Captain'' tier's poll , that poll was posted long ago and they already voted for the good ending , so if i've to make 2 endings i'll focus more on the good one or maybe do the good one first and the 2nd later .


Sounds good to me. Imagine an outstanding quality 3D hentai comic with TWO separate endings. How exciting! This is ganna be legendary.


No way my friend


Make it 2 version Light version ( No dismemberment and Gore ) Hardcore version ( Heavy Gore and dismemberment ) That way those who hate Gore and snuff can just enjoy the bad ending but without too much of the gory stuff.


I want to poll.... No! I missed that, I just find your work and support few days ago :(