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Sorry about the lack of updates last week. I'm not gonna lie, I wrote 5k words in Aberrant in the first week before being reminded by my betas that I was supposed to write Speak in a Dungeon. I then worked another 5k words for a couple days before my family decided to go on vacation... and that's what I've been doing for the last week and a half. So yeah, I took a little break. Bad news: I'm going on vacation again in like a week. Egypt in the summer is wild. I'm gonna be working my hardest to give you guys some quality stuff, so keep an eye out.

The Far East arc is going crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Do share some theories or ideas if you wish, I'd love to see what yall think. Anyways, love you losers. Have a good day or night or some shit. Fetus Deletus Smoothie.



Damn always wanted to go to Egypt but I heard there’s a lot of crime and stuff


I’ll have you know, I am no loser, my dick is at least bigger than three inches thank you very much