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I do not own Danmachi/Jujutsu Kaisen or any other referenced franchise, only my own OCs.



Character Sheet / System Text

“Tvs, Radios, Texts, and newspapers…”



“Cursed Speech”

[Within the only Jujutsu Sorcerer’s body, ??? POV]

One watches with despair as my hero clashes with the tragic elf damsel whose familia was torn asunder by this one’s Juggernaut.

My Hero… This one has truly muddled things with my hero…

Jealousy… Mayhaps this one dismissed such a feeling foolishly prior to meeting my hero…

Many a time had this one seen those accursed adventurers turn on themselves out of moronic jealousy, betraying their own kin for idiotic desires.

Some lusted for their kin’s women, others envied their fellows’ power and growth, most fell to greed for the material possessions of their kin.

Such jealousy… This one believed herself to be beyond such an irrational action.

Yet… This one’s actions were my own bane for my and my hero… To betray my hero’s desires… no… my hero’s trust… This one must be the epitome of foolishness!

This one suppresses my negative emotions emanating to my hero, not wishing to bother my darling with such deserved feelings and unneeded distractions.

My hero seems to enjoy battles against powerful foes capable of pushing him to his fullest potential. This one cannot help but despair at such a foolish endeavor.

Why… Why must my hero push himself so far…? This one is prepared to raze this world, turn it asunder for him… for what reason does my hero desire strength when he has this one…?

… For what reason does my darling associate with anyone but this one…?

… Is this one not enough for my hero? … Mayhaps he desires a… mortal partner of which he can impregnate with his seed to produce an heir…?

… Then… Why does my hero interact with that filth- my hero’s goddess and pet rabbit…? Neither can hold my darling’s seed (nor are they deserving of it), so why…?

This one’s memories flashback to the minuscule moments of interaction with my hero’s… familia… and I slowly remember the fleeting feelings of happiness at the recognition of my darling’s familia.

… Mayhaps… This one truly understands, yet refuses to acknowledge my hero’s need for anyone else but I…

My hero would not speak to me, truth, yet this one can naturally feel the aggrieved emotions bubbling within my darling…

They burn.

More than any pain ‘Cursed Energy’ ever inflicted this one…

This one was selfish.

This one was jealous.

This one hurt my own hero.

Nay, this one BETRAYED my own hero.

This one’s memories once again flashback, now to the disgusting wench of a filthy goddess that is ‘Freya’, and how the ‘thot’ spoke of how my hero would attract wenches to him in droves…

And how she would accept them so long as my hero never forgot to give her his time…

… Mayhaps… That is the way…?

This one could never wish to separate my hero of his people anymore, not after my darling’s (hurtful but deserved) words, as well as my darling’s actions against the filth that dared to attack his pet rabbit and fi- goddess.

My hero truly cares for his subjects… So who does this one think she is, attempting to silence them out of jealousy and possessiveness, all so this one may have my darling all to myself?

… This one may have planned to comfort my hero once his people had been silenced…

Truly… This one is deplorable…

After all my hero did for this one, to conspire behind my darling’s back as repayment…

This one is truly disgusting…

My hero may believe this one to be naive, yet, this one is one who has seen all there is to see of both mortals and immortals.

This one knows the plight of my hero, stranded away from home with none to turn to… yet fighting nonetheless despite the odds…

My hero saw and heard the atrocities this one has committed, yet still embraced the cold and lifeless walls of this one’s former vessel lovingly while narrating his day with enthusiasm, if only to entertain and distract this one from my pain…

My darling allowed this one direct access to his soul, to his full being, so that this one can be privileged with the gift of being once again.

After so long… this one can inhabit a true body, this one can touch, feel, taste without the dungeon vessel’s assistance…

Yet… to repay my hero’s trust and hard work, this one used the newly achieved freedom and power attained from my cleansing of Cursed Energy to summon an empowered beast on my darling’s disciple…

Yes… This one has attained freedom unlike anything this one has felt in hundreds of years… This one can now summon monsters that put my former ones to shame, this one can rearrange my dungeon walls as easily as my hero breathes.

All thanks to him.

Yet… look at how this one repaid him…

As this one watches my hero finally taking a break to think, his firm eyes watching the elf closely, this one’s resolve is soundly set.

From now on, this one shall never hurt my hero’s people again.

From now on, I will speak the same way my hero does, abandoning the old archaic way of speaking this on- I learned long ago.

From now on, I will never hurt Michael again.

Of that, I swear.

I swear it on my new name bestowed upon me by my darling.

I swear it on the corpses of all of the adventurers I killed.

I swear it on my title, Edias, Bane of Humanity, Spirit of the Dungeon.

[Michael POV]

… I may have underestimated Ryuu’s skill and power when I compared myself to her.

I speak of matching a low-level 4 in power, but that’s… sorta wrong?

I’d only match a level 4 that only just leveled up, and probably only put one stat at D rank before leveling up every time.

Something Ryuu DEFINITELY did not do.

As we both cease our minute break, we dash forward through considerable distance as she speeds forward with surprising swiftness that momentarily surprises me as we clash, I feel my spear impact against her wooden boken-like sword and grimace at the force behind her swing, my bones rattling slightly.

I am not familiar with her powers and magics and whatnot, but she has to have some form of power-boosting magic or skill. Her first attack in each clash always has a significant amount of force that is not present in any of her other attacks.

It could be because she speeds up significantly before that first clash, gaining momentum and power from that speed, but I think not. I believe that it is not that the extra speed allows her to strike with more force, but rather that she needs to speed up to activate a boost that allows her greater strike force.

After all, wasting a lot of stamina on running faster just for a little bit of momentum for a single swing is a stupid mistake and would most likely not net you as much force as she’s getting right now.

That means I can’t allow her time to speed up, so staying up close and personal is the way to go right now.

As we swing our weapons in another attrition-based clash, Ryuu attempts to jump back as she’s done for the last dozen times when we both backed off for a second, only to be surprised as I switch the momentum on my body and center my gravity forward as if I was falling towards her while swinging my spear in a precise pierce at her body.

She quickly raises her blade to block my attack as I smirk.

Jūryoku no Hakai.” I quickly mutter a second before my attack lands and I manipulate her sword’s parry slightly upwards, allowing my spear to barely glance past her blade and impact her stomach directly.

Ryuu’s eyes widen for a second before she’s blasted back by the gravity and force of my attack and I see a bruise forming through the ripped fabric of her now torn shirt as she flies away from me.

My lips curve upwards slightly.

I hadn’t used my gravity-based magic yet in this battle, giving her a false sense of security before I suddenly brought it out in a surprise attack that allowed me my first decisive hit of this battle.

Sorry, Ryuu, but all warfare is based on deception. When able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

Thank you, Lord Sun Tzu.

Ryuu quickly catches herself before she can impact the wall she was flying at and narrows her eyes at me while chanting something at impressive speed under her breath.

My eyes widen slightly as I watch the bruise I formed slowly, yet quick enough to be visible to the human eye, heal and close, leaving not even a scar behind.

Well, shit.

“... It seems I’ve become rusty enough to miss such a simple parry, even if you are boosting your own speed with your magic.” She speaks with an edged voice, probably upset at failing her parry.

My smile widens slightly at her words. “I personally think you’re doing quite well, perhaps it’s a matter of your opponent rather than your own capabilities and skill?” I’ll give her a slight hint at least, it’d be rude to let her think it’s her fault.

She narrows her eyes at me but doesn’t comment as we charge forward at each other again.

This time, I’m not the one that changes our usual pattern. Instead, Ryuu begins chanting a different spell as she moves, a green glow beginning to gather around her as the trees inside the open area glow from the light.

“-Imbue the light of stardust and destroy the enemy… Luminous Wind.” Several glowing orbs of light gather around Ryuu as she nears me, one of the orbs charging at me all on its lonesome as my eyes slowly widen.

Luvia.” I hear Ryuu utter but do not register as I quickly redirect my momentum and gravity backwards and I feel my body ache slightly at the sudden change before I am pulled backward just in time to dodge the orb’s inner blast radius.

I am still in the blast radius though and am blasted in the face with a stardust explosion as I feel my body flare in pain and the speed at which I am flying away increases from the kinetic energy.

I quickly redirect my gravity upwards just in time to fully dodge the remaining stardust orbs as they fly past where I just was and explode. I track Ryuu with my senses as my eyes are currently closed from the pain and feel her leaping into the air towards me with her hands in a preparatory slash stance, probably thinking I won’t be able to dodge well.

I’m glad my magic is not target-based, but AOE.

Jūryoku no Hakai.” I intone once again to reaffirm my spell and I increase the surrounding gravity tenfold in a 30-foot cube all around me, with only a small 1-foot sphere originating from my body having normal gravity.

I cannot see Ryuu’s expression, but I imagine she’s quite surprised as her leap is suddenly interrupted by gravity and she’s dragged to the ground harshly, not enough to injure her or crush her into the ground, but most likely enough to rattle her inner organs due to their inexperience with increased gravity.

… Would be a great time to know how to use Reverse Cursed Energy on command.

I try to multiply my immense Cursed Energy reserves with each other while visualizing the same feelings and intrications I did when I used it on Bell earlier today, but feel them slip from my grasp like water and harmlessly bounce off of each other without any other reaction.

Guess not.

I bring a hand to my back, acting like I’m opening a pouch, before bringing out a potion from Edias’s body and downing it all the while I stare at where Ryuu is staring up at me in shock (presumably) with closed eyes, revealing that I can see her despite my closed eyes.

Speaking of Edias, her emotions had fluctuated heavily a bit ago with something akin to determination.

Which is weird, but I won’t comment. I’ll speak to her when I get home.


When I get back to the tavern.

I reopen my newly healed eyes and see Ryuu finishing her chant again and I realize that I was too caught up in my head to notice her chanting.

You know, like an idiot.

Time to pull some fancy shit for practice.

I slowly lower myself to the ground as Ryuu’s stardust orbs rotate around her body and she quickly dashes towards me with blitzing speeds probably to boost the strength of her next attack.

Jūryoku no Hakai.” I once again chant since I’m about to do some fancy shit, and I quickly reverse the force I had done a minute ago with a slight smirk as the gravity turns from normal to zero.

Ryuu’s momentum suddenly turned slow as her eyes widened and she fell forward like she was about to faceplant before she begins spinning in mid-air like a fidget spinner and I catch her staring at me with horror for a moment.

“W-what is it with you and odd abilities!?” She suddenly asks while trying to right herself in zero gravity and I let out a snort before silently chuckling at her question.

“You can’t say it’s not useful.” I banter and charge forward with my spear as Ryuu’s eyebrows twitch before she launches her Stardust orbs to intercept my charge.


I quickly track the speeding orbs with my eyes before twisting and turning in the air to dodge them.

I’m able to dodge several of them before I hear Ryuu mutter “Luvia.” and the last two explode.

I’m prepared this time though and reinforce my body with as much Cursed Energy I can muster while switching the gravity in front of me to repel against the incoming explosions from the orbs (since I’m not yet good enough to create forcefields of gravity).

The orbs explode and close my eyes as I feel something impact my skin before I continue through the blast and reopen my eyes to see a surprised Ryuu still righting herself in zero gravity.

I bring my spear up and infuse it with my Cursed Energy as it’s enveloped in my usual CE purple aura before I stab forward again and watch Ryuu bring her sword up to defend-

Wait, that’s not a defensive stance!

From behind Ryuu, I notice the presence of another one of her orbs that she had not yet released, and with another chant of “Luvia.”, Ryuu is blasted forwards toward me with an awkward but offensive stance as she stabs her sword downward at my head.


Stop.” I use my first command in this battle as my reserves are sapped significantly and I watch Ryuu’s eyes widen before she freezes in place completely while I dodge her unmoving sword strike before moving my piercing spear forward and-

Poking her with the now blunted point.

Ryuu gasps at the touch of the spear but then blinks at the lack of significant pain as I raise an eyebrow at her.

“I believe that this is my win. I don’t think injuring you unnecessarily for an already decided victory is appropriate.” I comment dryly and Ryuu blinks and slowly floats to the ground, my gravity magic losing its effect as I end my concentration.

“... Yes, I believe that is your victory, Mr. Michael.” She seems slightly miffed while saying that, not that I blame her for it.

She just got beaten by a guy two levels below her (I think, actually. I never got to know officially, but she’s way beyond any level 3, but severely weaker than any level 5) as well as a human. From what Lefiya said, most elves are actually super fucking racist, so I imagine she’d be slightly pissed at her loss.

“... If it makes you feel better, I believe that I only won because of the sheer diversity of my abilities as well as the element of surprise…?” I try to console her with a bit of a grimace at the dumbass tone I used as she shakes her head with amusement.

“You’ve more than earned your victory, Mr. Michael. Do not worry about me, I can admit that your combat prowess is impressive, in both skill and ability. The only thing I have that is superior to you is martial skill and stats as well as firepower.” Sheeesh, you’ll make me blush if you continue like that, Ryuu.

Though she’s only correct on the first two points. I have not shown off my ‘Explode’ or any of my more lethal applications of Jūryoku no Hakai. She’s superior to me in martial skills for sure, and definitely has better stats, but my firepower is absolutely superior to even many higher-level adventurers if I have prep time.

Nothing like a good batman to mess up the power levels of the world.

Level 10s? I only see Batman with prep-time victims.

“If you continue flattering me like that, I may misinterpret your intentions, Miss Ryuu.” I dramatically turn away while moving my head to the side ‘shyly’ as Ryuu’s eyes widen slightly and she quickly moves her face mask upwards to cover her face.

Your ears are uncovered Miss Ryuu~ and I can’t help but notice that they’re redder than usual~

“... Excuse me if I came off the wrong way, Mr. Michael. I did not wish to make you uncomfortable.” Holy shit... What is it with these elves and thinking that people are gonna be offended if they act adorable or say something cute?

… Maybe Bell was onto something with his elf fetish…

“... Let’s ignore the part where I somehow am supposed to be uncomfortable by a cute girl complimenting me.” I begin with an incredulous look aimed at Ryuu as her eyes widen a bit more and she once again moves her hand to her mask to raise it higher, almost covering her eyes now. “Did you hurt yourself from the explosion you used at the end there?” I pull out another potion from behind me while making it look like it's coming from a pouch as Ryuu actually covers half of her eyes with her mask and shakes her head.

“... N-no. The odd gravity you placed me in negated most of the actual damage from the explosion and I triggered the orb several feet behind me so that I am not caught in the direct blast radius.” My eyes open in slight realization at her impressive strategy as I let out an appreciative hum

“You sacrificed a lot of the momentum you could’ve gained from being closer to the blast in favor of a lesser amount of damage, but because you waited until I was closer, you still managed to take me by surprise while also ensuring you got the maximum amount of momentum before you began to lose speed from the zero gravity field. That’s impressive” She piped up slightly at my analysis before she turned away in embarrassment at my last bit of praise.

… How cute.

“... It was not anything impressive. Merely a small plan I made on the spot.” She tries to humbly play it off but I roll my eyes and poke her with the stick part of my spear.

“You downplaying your plan is technically insulting me as it almost got me if I had not cheated with Cursed Speech.” I point out with a pointed look as she looks scandalized before looking away for a second and furrowing her brows.

“... Cursed… Speech?” She asks with confusion as I shrug.

“I am- was- part of a special clan, you can almost say… a noble, of sorts. We have a certain technique that’s hereditary that allows us to infuse Cur- energy into our words and command others to do things against their will as long as they can hear our commands. The name of that innate technique is Cursed Speech.” I decide to let her know a bit about my techniques, mostly because I know I can trust her, partly because I used a binding vow to allow my technique to be more effective on her.

Revealing One’s Hand is a binding vow where explaining how your own power or technique worked allowed you to output more Cursed Energy and even improve the overall technique’s effectiveness. It works on the idea of “High Risk, High Reward.”, where the more risky a battle is, the more you are rewarded for it, therefore, risking my own advantage by disclosing how my power works allow me more power.

You already know I’ll be staring down at Otter from the sky while divulging all of my strengths and none of my weaknesses before blitzing his ass with double my usual power from how much I began spouting.

Considering that knowing how Cursed Speech works doesn’t actually affect how effective it is on the person that knows it, that’s basically free power with no price paid other than reaffirming my enemy’s knowledge of how my technique works.

Which is just: man say ‘die’ and people die.

Not much to gain from knowing something you already know.

Sadly, that means my boost in power won’t be as great as others, but free power is free power.

Plus, no use or not, I am disclosing the abilities of an innate technique. That counts for something for sure.

… I’m gonna be an anime villain monologuing about how I’m invincible before my enemies try to use that knowledge against me and get blitzed because my monologue actually has a purpose. Damn. Way to break the tropes.

Ryuu’s face turns soft at the first part of my words, probably because she remembered my lie- admittance of being the last of the Jujutsu Sorcerers in the world, Which is actually not a lie. Her face then returns to being furrowed as the rest of my words kick in and she opens her eyes in realization.

“... You said that this ability belongs to a clan similar to nobility, and is hereditary?” She stressed the last word while staring at me intensely as I cocked my head to the side but nodded.

“... Well, yes. All of my children should inherit this ability.” I don’t know how otherworldly DNA interacts with this world’s population.

Oh fuck. I’m gonna have to teach my children to not use Cursed Speech at all times and speak normally.

Damn you, Toge!

… Just kidding, love that guy. A great bro.

Ryuu’s gaze suddenly turned intense as she stared at me with palpable heat and I almost flinched at the sudden outburst of emotion emanating from her before it died down immediately.

… What the hell was that??

Ryuu must have noticed my shock as she blushed visibly, probably forgetting to raise her mask again as it had been slowly trailing down her face, and she quickly shook her head and gripped her wooden sword with the face of an embarrassed woman covering it up with fury.

“... Prepare yourself, Mr. Michael. We’re going to begin the next round. Do not expect your tricks to work twice, I will be taking you seriously this time.” … That’s not ominous at all.

… Uh oh…

[Time Release: Timeskip No Jutsu!]

It’s been a bit since Ryuu and I finally stopped training. We sparred a dozen times more after my first victory, and…

I got my ass handed to me.

I’ll admit, out of the several times we fought, I was able to win twice (not counting the first win) by surprising Ryuu with the applications of my powers I hadn’t shown off yet.

Also, Binding Vow, but she didn’t need to know that one.

I’m satisfied with my performance against the person two levels my senior and with several years of battle experience over me. Even if I only won because of the element of surprise as well as the sheer diversity of my powerset, it’s quite the feat being able to defeat someone as talented as Ryuu multiple times.

I break out of my musings as I sigh and sit on the bed in the rented room in the pub.

“... It’s about time we had a talk.” I call out to no one while ensuring nobody is nearby with my senses and waiting.

After a few moments, Edias slowly exits my body and sits on the bed while shamefully looking down and not meeting my gaze.

I sit down on the bed properly after taking my shoes off and gaze at her unflinchingly as we sit in silence for a few minutes.

Edias doesn’t say anything and endures my gaze silently as I take a deep breath and break the silence.

“... Why?” I ask the question that’s bugging me the most from the start while crossing my arms and staring intently at Edias.

She wilts down slightly at the question before muttering a single word using her new speech capability.

“... Jealousy…”

… Jealousy?

I mean… I understand that Edias might be jealous watching someone being lightly teased, but to the point of dropping an enhanced goliath a week before its usual spawn time…?

[... I was jealous… of your disciple… It felt like… burning, inside me… I did not… like it… I wanted it… gone…]

… I see… Edias isn’t used to feeling emotions like these, specifically ones that are negative but not sadness or wrath.

So she resorted to the thing she always did when someone angered her enough.

You know… Murder.

I sigh again with pursed lips as Edias wilts at the sound. “Edias… As much as even I wish to murder anyone that annoys me or upsets me, I cannot just do that… That goes for you too now that you’re part of our Familia. Murdering random people that annoy you is something I do not approve.” I switch from my soft tone into a hardened one while sternly glaring at the ashamed Edias. “And murdering MY own disciple is definitely something I do not approve of. If it was a random person from some Familia out there, I would’ve let you go with a slap on the wrist… but my own disciple…?”

I do not speak after having said my piece as Edias silently continues to stare down shamefully, only speaking after several minutes of silence pass.

[... I’m sorry… I won’t do… it again… Please… forgive me…?]

Edias looked up at me with hopeful eyes after apologizing, using the legendary puppy-dog eyes of begging.

Sadly, this is too serious of a situation for such a move to work.

“... I’ll believe you when you say you won’t do it again, but you’ll have to work for forgiveness Edias. Now that you did something like this, I don’t know if I’ll one day turn around for a second and find Bell crushed by an Enhanced Goliath because I patted him on the head once.” Edias looks aghast at my words and shakes her head quickly in denial.

[... I would never… crush rabbit boy… out of jealousy… Too similar to… my children… Al-Miraj…]

It takes all of my willpower to not burst out laughing at Edias’s reason for not wanting to hurt Bell.

“... Pfft… I see… That’s reassuring to hear I suppose… But it matters not, you’ll still need to work for forgiveness from now on.” I shake my head to clear my amusement and look at Edias sternly as her face twists into determination and nods.

[... Yes… I will work… for forgiveness… no matter what… I have to… do… Anything…]

Edias slowly got on all fours and crawled towards me with a determined blush as I almost have a heart attack from the sudden attempt at seduction being pulled on me by Edias.

She pushes herself into my side and reached for my Rhongomyniad but is stopped by my extremely firm hand as I pull Edias to look up at my deadpanning face.

“... That’s not the form of forgiveness I was asking you to do, Edias.” I dryly clarify with twitching eyebrows as she explodes with blushes. “I was talking more about being generally helpful to the Familia, regaining everyone’s trust, that type of stuff, not… this…” I gesture to her hand that’s inches away from my spear as her blush expands to her full body and she quickly takes her hand away from me.

… I am so, unbelievably horny right now. First, it’s Freya, now it’s Edias? This world truly is a hentai world…

[... I-I thought that… doing this would… help you ‘relax’... for the upcoming… fight with the… Soma Scum…]

Edias shyly admits as I close my eyes just before they turn cold as I take an extremely deep breath and hold it in for 6 counts before exhaling it alongside a sun’s worth of heat.

“... That will not be necessary. I’ll be fine, and having that type of… ‘relationship’... when I’m still mad at you might give you the wrong idea and make you think I’ll forgive you as long as you polish my Rhongomyniad.” Did I just say ‘polish my Rhongomyniad’ instead of having sex? Yes, I did. Edias would probably explode if I said it bluntly.

Considering how her blush had gone nuclear at the ‘polish my Rhongomyniad’ comment, I’m pretty sure I’m correct.

[... I wasn’t thinking… of t-that…]

She not so smoothly lies as I smile wryly at her.

“Sure, I believe you.” I amusedly say as she looks at me with indignation, probably sensing my lie.

[... Meanie…]

I roll my eyes and grab her into a hug as she immediately freezes in my arms before I begin patting her on the back and rubbing it soothingly.

Soon, Edias begins shifting in my arms in a way similar to sobbing as she grips my shirt and hugs me with painful intensity.

[... I-I was so… scared… You weren’t talking… to me… I felt so… lonely… I-I’m sorry… Please don’t… d-do that again…]

I feel something pricking my heartstrings as Edias’s terrified voice and emotions reverberated through me, and I pat her on the head while sighing in response.

“... I’m sorry Edias. I was upset at you and needed time to think. As long as you keep good on your promise and don’t do anything like that, I’ll never do that again. I promise.” I hug her tighter as she nods into my chest repeatedly while staying silent.

We embraced for who knows how long before we eventually fell asleep in each other’s arms.

[The Next Day…]

As I make my way toward the Guild Building again, I despair over the inherent instinct of gossip in humankind.

It’s barely been a day since I declared war on the Soma Familia, and the news has traveled through Orario like hellfire, with the news of the newly leveled-up record holder declaring war on the Soma Familia after accusing it of assaulting his home and Familia before wrecking their Familia Headquarters and leaving.

It’s also been spreading through the godly circles that I drank Soma Wine and called it disgusting without even flinching or uttering a lie, which seems like something harmless, but with these gods, you can’t be sure.

I raise my hood higher and exhale a single time in fatigue before spotting the giant Guild in the distance and quickening my pace.

I made the mistake of going out without a disguise earlier today. Never again. I didn’t think Orario would even have something akin to Paparazzi.

Who am I kidding? These civilians have nothing better to do than gossip and speak about adventurers. After all, adventurers are the only ‘celebrities’ civilians can gossip about.

I suppress another sigh from coming out since I’ve been doing it too much lately and it may become an unhealthy habit. I then enter the guild building and slip under the vision of all the suspiciously alert adventurers scouring the Guild like bloodhounds sniffing around.

I spot Eina speaking with one of her colleagues in her usual desk and quickly beeline my way there.

“... Eina, booth.” I quickly request from Eina as she stops speaking with her colleague and turns to me with confusion before recognizing my face under the hood and widening her eyes.

“Scream and I will be upset.” I swiftly speak before she does as she quickly covers her mouth with her hands just before she can scream out my name like a dumbass.

Eina’s friend, Misha I think, stares at me with a gaping mouth and pointed finger as Eina quickly pushes her friend’s arm down and ushers me into a private booth.

“Michael?? What are you doing in the guild at a time like this!?” She asks in alarm as soon as we enter and she locks the door behind her as I raise my eyebrows at her.

“You’re the one that told me to drop by yesterday. What’s the panicking for, anyway?” I already told her everything she needed to know yesterday, why would she be shocked now?

“Did you not see all of the adventurers sniffing around the guild like starving animals? Did you not see the AMAZONS scouring outside like dogs in heat!?!?” Well, I saw the first, but there were amazons outside?

“Are they hot?” I blurt the first question on my mind before I can think about it as Eina looks at me, scandalized.

“W-what!? … Y-yes?? Wait… No!? W-what are you asking right now?!? T-they’ll eat you up and throw you away like a chewed b-bone!” Eina has a semi-gay panic for a second before she points at me with confused embarrassment.

“Sounds sexy.” It doesn’t, but it’s funny making Eina think I’m a deviant.

“W-W-WHAT?!? Y-Y-YOU! Y-YOU…!?” Eina stares at me speechlessly as I can’t suppress my chuckles and begin laughing at her embarrassment.

She blushes herself into a tomato as I continue laughing before she throws the pillows in the room at me in outrage and I casually deflect them all with one hand to incense her anger.

Eventually, she runs out of pillows to throw and I finally stop laughing as I sit down on the couch with a dozen pillows all around while Eina pouts at me with a tomato blush.

“Haah... Sorry about that, Eina. I was joking. Mostly.” She glared at me harder and I raised my hands up in surrender. “I’m joking, I promise.”

[... You better be…]

Ah… Fuck. I may have forgotten that Edias could see that…


“Anyways, as much as the adventurers outside are annoying, I don’t see why me dropping by as you asked is a problem now that they’re there.” I tilt my head at Eina as she groans and facepalms in exasperation.

“... You are just…” She starts but then gives up after another sigh. “The adventurers around right now are looking for you so they can strongarm you into their familias or offer you help in the wargame in exchange for your transfer under their command.” She explains to me with audible concern as I hum noncommittedly.

“They’ll fail, I don’t need any help in the upcoming wargame and I’m too slippery to be caught or defeated. I don’t see the problem.” I shrug at her without any worry as she balls her fists and grabs her hair roughly in frustration.

“You don’t understand! It’s not just weak familias like Soma with only a few level 2s, but even familias like Ishtar and Apollo are showing interest and scouting for you right now! You’re strong, Michael, the strongest adventurer I’ve had, maybe not in strength, but in willpower. But even then, you still cannot take down a familia with a level 3 and up as well as dozens more level 2s and maybe hundreds of level 1s!” She takes a couple of deep breaths after her outburst as I stare at her in surprise.

“... I didn’t know you were so passionate about me, Eina.” I hide my face between my hands and look away ‘shyly’ as Eina groans loudly and hides her face as well. “Though in all seriousness, I can take Apollo, maybe not Ishtar yet though.” Her face turned incredulous at my words as I shrugged.

“I’ve been training with a very powerful level 4 recently. I’ve won 1 out of 5 fights with them, and that’s because they’re one of the most experienced and powerful level 4s around, definitely not a fresh one.” I point out to Eina as her eyes widened in shock before she furrowed her brows at me in disbelief.

“... Really? Are you sure they weren’t just taking it easy on you…?” My eyes slowly become haunted as memories of orbs coming out of nowhere and bombing my ass are recalled.

“... I highly doubt that. Though I admit, some of the ‘fatal’ hits we stopped at for my wins weren’t totally fatal, but definitely grievous.” Even my first win wouldn’t have killed Ryuu, only hurt her a LOT. Which is basically a death sentence itself, but I digress.

“... I see… Well, fighting one level 4 may be tough, but handling hundreds of adventurers is more-” “Sleep.”

Eina blinks and then looks at me with confusion before I lower my collar point to my seal and her eyes open in realization.

“O-oh… W-well… What if they wake up?” She crosses her arms and asks with embarrassment.

“... Stop breathing.” Her face pales and she stares at me in shock while looking for any signs of deceit on my face.

“... Y-you can’t do that… Right?” She asks with a pleading tone as I smirk.

“That takes care of that. Now, I’d like a list of all Familias that are scouting me if that’s possible as well as a list of all registered Soma Familia members with their abilities noted if any.” I’m not gonna answer her question because I’m funny like that. Also, I don’t know if I have any clearance for that or not, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

Eina stares at me painfully before shaking her head and getting up from her seat to slowly and silently walk out of the booth.

… I think she’s done with me. Sadge.

Am I gonna get the stuff I asked for? Nice.

I make myself comfortable in my fortress of pillows as I wait for Eina to come back with the papers I asked for and watch the minutes pass by while I sit there like a gangsta.

Massive drip.

I wonder how Bell and Hestia are doing right now... I know Bell is a dumbass and is going to run into the dungeon as soon as he’s up, so I left him his gear in a closet with a note telling him that it’s there so he doesn’t run in there without anything on him like the idiot he is.

I’m broken out of my musing again with a blink as I feel an unfamiliar presence creep into the room almost undetected by my senses and simply stare at me from the corner of the room.

What the fuck? I almost didn’t catch… whatever it is that is there. There’s almost no Cursed Energy inside of… that… except slight bitterness barely emanating.

I slowly get up from my lounging position and sit up properly while slowly moving my head toward the thing in the corner of the room.

“... Hello there.” General Kenobi? You know you wanna say it, respond.

I feel the presence there shift from my words as I continue staring at it directly before a cloaked figure suddenly appears and floats forward into the middle of the room.

Holy shit. Did this world go from harem shonen to horror? This place is haunted or something man.

“... Greetings to you, Inumaki Michael.” The raspy voice of… something greets me from under the cloak as I raise an eyebrow at the lack of gender identifiable in the voice. “... I am Fels, a simple messenger.” That name sounds familiar. May have seen it on the wiki somewhere. A bad guy? They totally have the whole evil aesthetic about them, so maybe…

I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms with a tilted head. “If you are a messenger, that means you have a message, yes? What is it?” I wanna get this over with before Eina comes back, so I cut to the chase right away.

“... Would you happen to know the exact reason of the recent Earthquake, Tamer of the Dungeon?” … Tamer? Wait.

“... Tamer of the Dungeon? You must be mistaken. I do not have the Tamer ability and have no interest in such an ability.” This person somehow knows of my relation with Edias despite how I always keep it quiet and away from prying eyes.

Wait… Shit.

… I couldn’t sense this person until they were this close… They may have seen me in the dungeon talking to Edias and speaking mindlessly while thinking no one can hear me.


“... There is no reason to play dumb with a messenger such as myself, Sir Inumaki. I serve Lord Ouranous himself directly and have no other allegiance… We are already aware of your… relationship… with ‘Edias’. We simply wish to know the reason for the recent earthquake in the dungeon as well as the other… anomalies… happening in the dungeon.” Their raspy voice puts dampens my mood as I realize this person knows Edias’s name, so they must definitely know a lot more.

At least they can’t trail me anymore now that I registered their signature, that’s a plus, right?

[Anger. Shock. Wrath.]

[... OURANOUS?!?]

I don’t think Edias is happy.

I take a deep sigh while despairing at my failed attempt at sighing less. “Would you believe me if I said it was because Freya came into my home and began seducing me and Edias responded by angrily causing an Earthquake across all of Orario?” The figure flinches at my words and I can feel the incredulity radiating from it despite not being able to see its body language or facial expressions.

“... The earthquake was because… of a lover’s quarrel…?” They ask incredulously as I simply shrug and nod.

“Edias doesn’t like Freya since Freya charms her monsters and takes them away from Edias’s control. She also does not like other women getting near me. That’s two things she doesn’t like mixing together.” I wryly point out as Fels stays silent for a few seconds before shaking its head.

“... I see… Could you explain the reason for the spawning of the Enhanced Goliath as well as the increased monster activity against the Freya Familia-” Fels freezes at that last one as I narrow my eyes.

{... Edias… What have you been doing without telling me…?} I wryly ask as Edias stays silent.

[... They deserve it…]

… Sigh.

“... You can guess why the last one has been happening. The former… is a bit of a long story. It will not happen again if you’re wondering.” I wave my hand dismissively at that notion. “Unless it’s me fighting the Goliath. I’d probably ask Edias to spawn another Enhanced one so I can have more of a challenge.” I add after a second of thought.

The figure of Fels stays silent for a minute before it does the equivalent of a nod. “... I see. I will pass your words on. Thank you for your cooperation, Sir Inumaki.”

“No need for the Sir nonsense, and just Michael.” I wave nonchalantly at the title. “I apologize for the inconvenience Edias caused, even if it’s technically my fault.” I stop for a second before looking at Fels wryly. “Should you all not be more hostile to the person who can somewhat control the dungeon? This feels… wrong.”

[... Not your fault… It’s my fault…]

“... We have no issue with the dungeon itself as long as it does not begin murdering the mortals aboveground indiscriminately.” Fels eventually answers and I cock my head to the side in thought.

Really? You’d think they’d try and control me to control Edias or something. This Ouranous guy must be the Dumbledore type, except actually good, or something.

Hestia spoke about him a bit. Apparently a really good guy and one of the best you can find in the gods. He’s also the most respected god in the bunch, and the ‘oldest’.

“My Familia will be one of heroes, not murderers. I do not plan on killing innocents, ever.” I amusedly stare at Fels as they shuffle from my words again.

“... Heroes? … You wish for your familia to become one of heroes?” Fels asks with an indescribable tone in their raspy voice.

“Wish? You’re mistaken. My Familia will be the Familia of Heroes. It’s only a matter of time. When, not If.” I smirk in amusement as Edias rolls her eyes inside me and Fels stares at me silently.

“... Sir Michael, You know of the Xenos, correct?” Ah, he’s heard me speaking of them that one time. Damn. “What is your stance regarding them?” Oh? These guys care about the Xenos?

“I do know of them, yes. As for my stance… I guess I wish to save them.” Fels does not react, but I can tell they are surprised by my words. “They are technically my children, even if they are my foster ones rather than biological.”

[Embarrassment. Surprise. Joy.]

[... You’re an idiot…]

I smirk as Fels flinches at my words, clearly surprised at the words I just spoke.

“... Is your speech about… romancing… the dungeon truly not just jest?” They ask incredulously as Edias lights up with fury inside of me and I grimace while looking at the figure with pity.

Edias slowly exits my body and floats above me while glaring down at the cloaked figure as Fels moves back with clear surprise and wariness.

“Edias didn’t like the insinuation of what you just said.” I point out with amusement as Fels is clearly horrified by my confirmation of the identity of Edias here.

“... This… This is the Dungeon…? The dungeon is outside of the dungeon…?” They mutter in horror while staring at the still glaring figure of Edias as she points at Fels with narrowed eyes.

“... You…” Edias says, not being able to speak again for a few seconds. “... Tell…” She stops again. “... Ouranous…” She seems to be struggling to speak as I place a hand in front of my mouth to stop my laughs. “... Fight… M-ME!…” She struggles to push the last word out as Fels looks horrified at the angry dungeon staring at him furiously.

Edias just really challenged Ouranous to a 1v1.

“... S-sir Michael… A little help?” Fels turns to me as Edias continues glaring at their figure.

I grin and give him a thumbs-up.

“Edias, I know you’re angry at Ouranous for suppressing your power for a thousand-something years or whatever, but he didn’t do it out of malice against you, and is clearly working right now to save the Xenos. Please let the poor messenger go.” I speak in a chiding tone as Edias turns to me with a frown before pouting and angrily stomping her way through the air before sitting down next to me and continuing to glare at Fels.

“... T-thank you, S-Sir Michael… W-we will be keeping in contact with you, thank you very much for your cooperation, I believe I should r-return to deliver your message now… Goodbye.” Fels doesn’t wait for my nod before bolting out of the room as Edias huffs and hugs me while slowly merging back into my body just a few seconds before Eina comes back with a stack of papers and a disheveled look.

At my questioning look she groans and glares at me lightly. “Someone revealed to the adventurers that I am your Familia advisor. Hundreds of adventurers are now hounding me for information about you.” She explains and I furrow my brows with a frown.

“Will you be alright? They may try to kidnap you to use you against me.” She smiles slightly at my concern before shaking her head.

“Anything regarding the Guild and its workers are a taboo to any familia. Anyone that dares approach me with malice would find themselves declared a Dark Familia faster than they can blink and will be ganged up on by every other Familia in Orario.” Huh. Makes sense I guess. The best way for the guild to protect itself when it’s not that powerful is to point the dogs at each other when they misbehave.

“I’m glad to hear that then.” I smile at her in a very bishounen way as she makes a gagging noise before giggling and sitting down next to me while setting the papers on my lap and taking the first one from the top to read it out.

“Let’s get this over with. The first Familia that approached the guild asking about you-” This is gonna take a while…


… It’s time.

Today’s the day.

I’ve been training with Ryuu for the last few days every night and selling off a lot of the monster drops and crystals I’ve gathered (getting millions of Valis from all of the stuff I sold) to prepare for the eventual shitstorm that’s gonna happen.

As expected, Bell had been sneaking out to train in the dungeon despite his near-death (or kidnapping) experience. He secretly brought me to the side to thank me for the gear while asking to help me fight in the Wargame. Still, I denied him on the basis that I already told them I’d fight alone, and if I brought him they could spin it badly against us and force us to surrender even if he didn’t do anything.

Of course, the real reason was that he’d only bring me down since this is not going to be a fight.

This is going to be a slaughter.

And I’m the butcher.

That was kind of cringe but it's okay. No one can see that.

[... Are you sure… about that?]

… So I have come to realize that I subconsciously transmit my thoughts to Edias when I monologue.

Life is suffering.


My relationship with Edias has… improved. We aren’t all over each other like we were at first, but I’m not upset with her anymore. We also hang out in the sun when I get a break from training and work, so that’s nice.

I am currently sitting in the guild booth with my Familia and friends, waiting for the cart from the guild to take me to the field we’ll be fighting in.

Zanis, the Captain of Soma Familia, pulled out all the stops for this fight and gathered all the adventurers from his puppet Familias into his own so he can have more fodder to throw against me before he swoops in to get the win.

Or at least, that’s what he thinks is gonna happen from what I’ve been able to eavesdrop from his meeting.

That’s right, I used my super stealth skills (Edias) to Eavesdrop on their meeting, and their strategy for this battle is literally ‘throw fodder in and wait for him to get tired’.

I’m not joking.

That’s all they planned.

They can bring any type of weapon against me, prepare traps and elaborate strategies, and coordinate a strategy with the hundred-man number advantage they have but they decide that their best strategy is to throw a bunch of adventurers at me until I give up from boredom.

Though I think they expect me to lose by the sixth dozen adventurer, which is incorrect, but it’s funny to be underestimated when their lives are not even within my estimations.

They have 3 level 2s officially, but from what I was able to gather, they had 2 more in their puppet familias and 1 that hadn’t announced their level up so their Familia doesn’t need to pay more taxes.

That sums up to 6 level 2 fodder that I’ll have to obliterate- face in the upcoming wargame. Considering how I’m a ‘freshly leveled up newbie’, the odds are currently against me significantly.

And people are already beginning to bet on the war game.

And I just got millions of Valis from selling the ridiculous amount of loot I have gotten myself and from the Crystal rooms.

I think we all know where this is going…

Yeah, I’m repaying Hestia’s debt before a month even passes. Get bent, Orario, all it takes is a single month and I am now a multi-millionaire with enough liquidated assets to make me a billionaire.


If I go to the next Crystal Room, definitely.

I’ve improved quite a lot in the last couple of days from the dungeon delving and training with Ryuu, and the latter allowed me a Deus Ex Machina boost, making my Spearman development ability go from I to H after Ryuu said ‘no magic or Cursed Energy’ and then whooped my ass to kingdom come.

Both of those together are how I fight Level 4s, without them I’m a normal level 2 (that can maybe fight level 3s at best, and that’s being generous).

I mean, I understand her concern about me running out of juice, but we literally live in Orario and delve into the dungeon. I can take a 10-minute power nap in a corner anywhere and I’d regain a tenth of my Cursed Energy back.

Well, a tenth is being generous. 1/20th maybe. I have a lot of Cursed Energy.

Anyways this is my status.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Name: Michael Inumaki

Race: Human (Jujutsu Sorcerer)

Level: 2 (!)

Ability Scores:

STR: F- 345 —> D- 510

END: D- 501 —> A- 869

DEX: F- 389 —> D- 592

AGI: E- 404 —> C- 624

MAG: C- 671 —> S- 998

Development Abilities:

Mage: I

Spearman: H

Sorcery: E


  • Cursed Speech

This magic allows the user to infuse their words with cursed energy to improve the spirit of their commands, forcing all those who hear it to obey.

  • Jūryoku no Hakai

No Chant Magic. Gravity is a mere illusion to be manipulated and to manipulate with. Attraction and Repulsion, Telekinesis and Microgravity, all are within your grasp, and all shall be within your grasp.

“... Never again, never will it escape my grasp.”

“For the peak shall grow; extending to the tallest point of existence, yet be brought down to its knees all the same when the time comes.”

“... Attack it may, Reality held no authority over the one unbound by the world.”




  • Cursed Energy Manipulation:

The ability to gather, channel, and release Cursed Energy. The greater the Negative energy present, the more energy can be channeled and gathered.

  • Privative Gathering:

Increased Excelia gained from the gathering of Cursed Energy.

  • Indomitable Will:

Your willpower is your greatest strength. You tread on through life unobstructed by what goes around you, incapable of stopping your march.

Hestia wanted me to level up since she was worried, but I looked at her like she was the stupidest idiot imaginable before explaining to her how ruining my future for a small boost in power against a group of ants is a very stupid idea and that she should be ashamed for being stupid.

She has not asked me to level up again since.

I am a great teacher. None can tell me otherwise.

Magic’s almost past 999. It hasn’t even been a week yet. Privative Gathering goes crazy sometimes.

Someone knocks on the door and I feel Eina’s CE signature on the other side as she knocks 3 times politely before stepping back.

“Come in.” I lazily call out as Eina opens the door and huffs.

“Would it be too much to ask for you to be serious for once? You have a war game against dozens of adventurers coming up soon!” She tries to chastise me but I wave her away while rolling my eyes.

“A single ant and a hundred ants are one and the same against a single stomp.” She rolls her eyes at my arrogant words as she continues standing in the doorway.

“You have a guest, she said she was your close friend but I’m here to make sure that’s true and she isn’t just another girl trying to meet you like the last hundred.” Eina mutters the last part with a haunted look as I smirk at her plight.

“What’s her name?” I ask lazily while internally channeling through all of my female friends.

It can’t be anyone from the Loki Familia, they’re still in their expedition right now last I checked, though they may have returned today.

Still can’t be them, Eina would’ve recognized whoever it was on sight and immediately let them in while sweating.

Ryuu already wished me good luck yesterday and she doesn’t like coming near the guild ‘for personal reasons’ (she has a bounty on her I think), so it can’t be her.

Wait, it can’t be-

“Her name is Syr. Do I need to-” Eina blinks as I jump out of my lounging position and stare at her in horror. “... That’s an interesting reaction… I’m guessing you do know her?”

… Well, shit.

[... Today is a… great day for… murder… Don’t you think?]

… No.

Anyway, didn’t think I’d have to go into this war game horny, but I guess I don’t have a choice in the matter.

“... Yeah, let her in.” I sigh and wave Eina’s concern off as she tilts her head but nods and leaves the room while closing the door behind her.

After a minute of waiting, the door opens to a smiling Syr as she brightens up at the sight of me and takes a single step forward before I point at her to stop.

“No seducing me. I don’t need the distraction before the war game.” She opens her mouth in a gape at my serious face before bursting out in giggles and closing the door behind her.

“Ah~ Unfortunate… It seems my plans have been foiled before I can even begin enacting them.” She pouts at me with a twinkle in her eyes as I grab one of those long pillows and make a cross with it and another normal pillow while aiming it at her.

Syr looks at me with twitching eyebrows as I hold the cross towards her and close my eyes.

“... What is it that you are doi-” “The power of Christ compels you! Begone, seductress!”

I interrupt whatever it is she was about to say with the power of god and anime as she continues staring at me with amusement.

[... I approve! … Great job…]

“... You must really not wish to be distracted before the war game. Are you perhaps worried you’ll lose?” She asks curiously while putting her hands behind her and slowly walking to the other side of the couch I am sitting on as I quickly jump and put my feet on the couch while aiming the cross at her.

“Not really. I’m going to steamroll those sad excuses for adventurers harder than a Minotaur through a crowd of toddlers.” Her eyes look at me with shock at the ridiculous comparison before she puts a hand to her mouth and giggles in a cutesy way.

“... Interesting analogy. Then, why are you so averse to my advances if you don’t think they’ll affect your performance then?~” She purrs her words while moving herself onto the couch with one of her legs moving up to help her crawl forward.

“BACK! BACK I SAY! Jūryoku no Hakai!” I push the cross into her face as she lets out an ‘oomph’ before she suddenly floats back to the other side of the couch.

I have no problem showing this off to her now. I’m going to show it off in the battle with the Soma Familia anyway, so it’s not like it’s a hidden card I have to keep close.

“Eeep! Woah… I was floating there for a second!” Freya exclaims in wonder before turning to me with pleading eyes as I tilt my head in amusement before setting the nearby gravity into zero mode.

Freya begins floating in the air as she lets out a gasp of excitement before she begins swimming through the air while spinning gracefully in a way that would’ve charmed me if I was not the sigma male I was.

Or… You know… Indomitable Will.

Though that is a skill gotten from my will, therefore… I am a sigma male.

Sigma Rule #69: Never disclose your next move.

I suddenly turn the gravity back to normal as Freya lets out another gasp and falls back onto the couch.

I have time to chuckle a single time before she rises and pouts at me with ‘sad’ eyes and I quickly raise my weapon (not that one) up and channel my inner god and anime power.

Your tricks will not affect me, witch!

“That was rude! I was having so much fun…” She crosses her arms under her- NOPE! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!

Syr giggles as I quickly avert my face to the other side of the room.

I quickly clear my throat to hide my horni- change the subject. “What are you doing here anyway? Other than seducing me.” I add the last part as she opens her mouth to respond only to pause at my words.

She pouts at my interruption but I stay focused by staring at her eyes- lips- boo- fuck, stare at her hair. Yes. Her hair.

[... Annoyance.]


She giggles again for reasons I totally do not know. “I wished to come to wish you good luck as well as get my ‘fill’ of you before you’re too busy to meet me because of the storm you’re going to cause with your win.” She slowly made her way towards me as I bring my cross up.

She rolled her eyes and pushed the pillows away before sitting on my lap and pushing her face into my chest. “Just let me get my ‘fill’. I promise I won’t do anything too naughty~” That is not reassuring to hear woman!

“You’re quite confident of my victory, do you not believe I could get overwhelmed by the number of adventurers or perhaps lose to my own hubris?” I ask curiously with twitching eyebrows as she giggles and hums while trailing her fingers on my neck (totally not making me shiver).

“My Mikey would never lose such an easy battle. If you did, I’d simply grab you myself out of your familia and into mine before making Otter train you for a few months until you’ve surpassed him, then I’d let you take your revenge on those vermin. Then we’d happily get married because you’re so grateful to me for my help and we’d retire to a farm somewhere and live happily ever after~” She gleefully explains her plan to kidnap me from my Familia if I lost and force me to train against the strongest adventurer in Orario before somehow marrying me and retiring to a farm as I slowly stare at the floor with a deadpan.

… A psycho.

Nympho too, I note as she places her hand on the inside of my shirt and gropes my chest.

“... Ignoring your plans of kidnapping for a second, you’d have the single most powerful adventurer in the history of Orario and decide to retire with them to a farm instead of doing something like… I don’t know…? Killing the One-Eyed Black Dragon?” I incredulously ask as Freya freezes in my grasp and slowly raises her face from my chest while staring into my eyes with a piercing stare and a frown.

“... You are not to fight the One-Eyed Black Dragon. Ever. I do not care if you ever reach level 10, you will still fall just the same. You are not ever allowed to fight that… thing… I will not allow it.” I am momentarily shocked by her declaration before she continues. “I’d sooner activate my Arcanum and take us both back to Tenkai than allow you to fight it.”

… Holy shit… That’s extreme… Really?

[... Grumble… Annoying… I agree with… her… Do not fight… that one… You won’t win…]

Even Edias?? Wait…

Edias AGREES with Freya on something???

My face must have reached 50 shades of confusion as Freya’s demeanor changed from stern to amused and she giggled at my face before pushing her face back into my chest.

“You may think that I am being ridiculous or controlling, but I am not. I’m doing this for your sake. You won’t- you cannot win against that thing. Zeus and Hera were fools with egos the size of the moon, and look where that brought them.” She shook her head helplessly in my chest as I stared down at her with furrowed brows and a complicated expression.

“... What about if I reached Level 11?” I suddenly ask as Freya looks up at me with confusion. “You said that I’d fail if I was only level 10, would you allow me to fight it if I reached past that and got to level 11?” I gazed at her with a serious expression while grasping her wrists as she looked at me with a tilted head before slowly smiling.


“Mikey, wait for a second.” Syr calls out for a second as I pause in the doorway to the booth and turn around just in time for her to jump and peck me on the lips.

I stare at her with surprise as she giggles with a blush. “A good luck kiss~” She elaborates and gives me another hug before running off with a wave.

[... Murder?]

“... No.”

[... Disappointment…]

I chuckle slightly at Edias before closing the door and making my way to the cart.

I am escorted by a few guild employees in fancy armor, mostly there to make the place look protected rather than actually protect it, and enter a cart with two horses at its front and a human guild employee steering it.

Just before leaving, I spot the familiar hair and eyes of Ryuu staring at me from the roof of one of the buildings.

I smile with amusement and wave to her as she narrows her eyes and nods before dashing out of sight.

What a softie.

The cart begins moving and some time passes before I hear the horses’ footsteps ceasing, signaling our arrival.

“Mr. Inumaki, Please follow us.” The guards that were escorting me in the guild request as I simply nod and follow them, ignoring the crowd that’s screaming at me from outside the blocked area I’m inside right now.

I look up to see the arena that hosted the Monsterphilia and raise an eyebrow.

I guess a small event like this fits an arena more than it does a random field somewhere outside of Orario. I guess we’re going to have an audience watching the entire thing physically instead of through Hermes Video Services™.

One of the guards escorting me keeps glancing at me incredulously as I smile in amusement under my collar.

We enter an empty waiting area for me to sit in and stand there for a few minutes before the guard that was looking at me weirdly decides to finally speak what he has to say.

“Hey… I don’t wanna be mean or anything, but are you sure you wanna do this partner? You’re… vastly outnumbered.” He points out with a grimace as the other guards there glare at him.

“... One hundred specks of sand are nothing in front of a single tidal wave.” I answer simply as he looks at me incredulously and even the other guards present raise an eyebrow at me.

“... If you say so, partner. I’ll wish you good luck either way, those Soma idiots cause a scene every time they exchange their loot at the guild and force us to act, if you can take a few dozen of them down a peg, you’d have my thanks.” He shrugs and smiles at me as the other guards sigh in exhaustion and nod to me with small smiles.

Awww… That’s heartwarming. Edias! Remove these dudes from protocol ‘Genocide’!

[... Roger, Captain…]


“... I appreciate it. I’ll make sure to ‘knock them down a peg’ for you…?” I smile slightly with amusement as he claps my back with a grin and the other three there nod to me with grins of their own.

“That’s all we’re gonna ask from ya. And it’s Davis. Now, it’s time to face the light, partner.” The guards hear a signal of some sort and begin ushering me down a dark path with light at the end of the tunnel as I slowly walk through the tunnel with my hands in my pockets.

As soon as I exit the tunnel’s dark and enter the arena space, the seated audience explodes in cheers at my arrival, loud enough to cause my ears to start ringing.

Opposite of me, I watch hundreds of adventurers of all shapes and sizes funneling out of the tunnel while staring at me with palpable hostility and greed.

At the head of these adventurers is Zanis, the Captain of the Soma Familia, who’s currently smiling pleasantly at me with his hands crossed over some expensive armor clearly too high quality for his level.

He raises his chin at me with a tilted head and a mocking expression once I enter the arena. “To not even bring a weapon with you to the arena… are you that assured of your defeat?” He haughtily asked as I smirked in amusement.

“... I will not need it.”


I couldn’t write well for 3 days straight and so I could only write this chapter this week. Sorry guys :pensive:

Have some Ryuu, Edias, and Syr time! And whatever could that first part of the chapter be!?!?! Woahoahoahoah.

Anyways, hi patreons. Sorry about this being the only chapter in a bit, I really wanted to perfect this chapter and the next, so I’m working really hard to ensure quality over quantity, I’m very sorry about that.

I think I had something I wanted to say, but I’m dumb so it’s whatever. Enjoy the chapter losers!


Dirk Gent Lee

Way to set the scene for a fight. Good chap


Thanks for the chapter, really enjoyed it and can’t wait for the next one. 10-15k words in a week is a good productivity, I think there is nothing to apologize for, but of course nobody would be against more chapters ⁠(。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧