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So, here is question for a feedback.

Which one do you guys prefer?



Bradley Boivin

Lower the saturation for the first image? Like the second one better myself.


There's more than it there hehe. But for the saturation I'll take as feedback. Maybe only with a closer look in the attachments can be noticed the difference in the textures and pos processing.

Bradley Boivin

Was more of a question than feedback, sorry. Lol. Unfortunately I am away from home until Sunday and don’t have a 2k or 4K monitor to compare them with. Only thing I can see on my phone was that it seemed the saturation was lower on the first compared to the second.


Well, my fault for also tweak the saturation... This not help to spot the differences on what I want be noticed xD


I don't get why people like number 2 more it's way more crushed and less detail in the model over all. Looks less realistic too


Less realistic? Maybe you're talking about the removal of the Depth of field blur effect? I personally prefer no blur effects on still images. I like to see every detail, I don't care if that's not "how the eye would see it." So, image 2 for me. Plus slightly warmer color palette makes it look more real to me.


Option 1 looks more realistic/natural which is better overall. Only issue I see is the DOF setting which blurs the Helicopter seats in background. So turn off DOF profit. A lot of the time postprocess effects make image look worse. DOF, Chromatic Aberration, Sharpen etc etc. Turn all those off.


to me number 2 makes her look alive vs 1 makes her look a little dry especially around the lips. she looks chapped and dying lol. but with 2 she looks moisturized and living which makes the lips more plump. 1s breasts show more reflection and pores but 2 is arguably more realistic due to color in the body and the more detail in the nipples.


I voted for #2 because the color pops more.