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Freddy finds a way to beat the seemingly endless supply of food and gets some catharsis after his gigantic binge. Enjoy!


"Leon, what the Hell took you so long?" Freddy growled, glaring over his sunglasses at his partner. The stoic sniper arched his brow but otherwise did not react to the state of his huge partner. When he had last seen Freddy, the wolf was his usual swaggering self, sunglasses, sleeveless leather jackets, and far more brawn than brains, with sculpted muscles he thought were god's gift to the world. Now? The wolf was an absolute orb, a round sphere of soft, doughy flesh that looked fit to burst— for some reason, the thought of an overfilled jelly donut came to Leon's mind.

"Better question— what happened to you? I thought this was a research assignment." Leon finally spoke.

Freddy growled. He hefted himself up with some difficulty, his belly bouncing as he did. His nose twitched, the scent of another tantalizing donut teased at him. Without a second thought, he snatched it up and gobbled it down. "I don't know!" he growled between bites.

"Have you tried to… not eat everything put right in front of you?" Leon asked, a slight sense of alarm rising in his voice as he watched Freddy grab another donut once it materialized out of the strange cube set beside him.

"But it's so good!" Freddy groaned, bits of donut crumb flying out of his mouth. "I-I can't stop! The Miracle here, it just… keeps making more and more food!"

Leon watched warily as Freddy mumbled another order, this time for a whole bear claw the size of his head, and the Miracle cube obliged. "M-maybe if you helped me eat…" Freddy mumbled.

"No! No, no." Leon held up his hands. "Look, just… hang tight, I'm going to do some research— and for goodness' sake, just… try eating slower or something."

Even in the hour or so that it took Leon to comb the files of the Shadow Decree's archives, Freddy looked even larger when Leon came back. The wolf had arranged himself to lie on his growing belly, thick reams of fat overflowing the desk, his bountiful, jiggling rear sticking out in the air as his keg-sized legs hung limp against his soft underbelly, feet left dangling. Leon huffed, straight-faced as he walked around to face Freddy properly, the wolf cramming a whole pizza into his mouth, which he had wrapped up like a burrito.

"Alright— this Miracle, the Plenty, makes a seemingly endless supply of food of such richness and flavor it grows to be the most sublime meal anyone's ever had— the downside being, it is hopelessly addictive."

"No shit," Freddy grunted.

"Quiet, I'm helping you out, here." Leon cleared his throat. "There have been three agents assigned to this research before you— and now all three of them are on paid leave. Three guesses what happened. What's curious is… Anesidora is the one who approved your assignment file."

That was a big enough shock to drag Freddy away from his feeding frenzy. "...What?"

Leon passed a copy of the file to Freddy, who immediately stained it with his grease-covered fingers. "She put you on this assignment, knowing full well what would happen. She apparently wants to give it one last try to see if the Plenty has a limit."

"Well… shit." Freddy rumbled. He ran a hand underneath the overhang of his belly, feeling the soft, flabby heft of it sitting in his hand. "So… they knew this was going to happen to me?"

"I believe so."

"And I can't get out of this until either I break, or it breaks?"

Leon nodded gravely. "I'm afraid so."

"What the Hell do I do now, then?" He shook his gelatinous belly for emphasis, his thick love handles and soft, doughy chest jiggling along with it. "This shit ain't cool— Twenty four hours ago, I was still hot!"

"If it helps, I know of certain communities that find this sort of… thing attractive," Leon said, but quickly changed tact when Freddy glared at him, the wolf already grumpily reaching for the next donut. "We know that every Miracle has its limits, or a workaround. There's never been a completely impenetrable Miracle."

"Okay, so, what's the Plenty's weakness?" Freddy grunted.

"Well I don't know, do I?" Leon snapped. "Think, Fred. You've been eating this stuff for, what two days? Have you really not learned anything about it in that time?"

The obese wolf growled softly. "Well… I don't know! I'm not good at these sort of problems." He grabbed another donut. "The Plenty will make whatever I want, and I can't… stop eating it."

Leon put a finger to his chin. "You'll need something that breaks that logic. Something that will break the cycle."

Freddy gasped, spraying donut crumbs in Leon's general direction. "Wait, wait, wait… What if I just ask for… for it to give me everything it's got? Everything at once."

His partner blew air out of his cheeks. "If you want to try it, I'm not helping you eat it. It'll most likely be a massive meal you can't help yourself but eat."

Freddy spread his flabby arms. "Do— do you have any other bright ideas?"

Leon sighed, shaking his head. The sniper waved it off. "On your own head be it."

The wolf nodded, his multiple chins jiggling softly as he did. Then he turned to the Plenty. "Okay. You heard me, you stupid little cube- give me everything you got!"

The cube hummed, rattling to life and then jumping about.

"Oh, God— what did you do?!"

Freddy waddled backward, mouth agape, his inflated rear bumping into Leon.

"Watch it, Tubby!" Leon hissed.

The Plenty began spewing forth a mountain of few. Canapes, sausage links, frosted danishes, donuts by the dozen, steaming, greasy pizzas, and more besides. It came shooting out at a terrible speed, half a dozen different sauces staining the white aseptic walls of the test room. Finally, the Plenty shuddered, and collapsed in on itself, a faint trail of smoke wafting up.

Leon whistled low, eyes wide at the sheer mass of food. "Well, you have your work cut out for you—"

Both of them turned suddenly. The piles of food were shifting— moving on their own. "Is that normal?" Leon asked.

"Uh…" Freddy was left staring, mouth agape as the food began to form together. Pizza slices lined up like scales, the donuts linking together in massive, chain-like tendrils. The food was becoming a strange, shifting, snake like creature, beginning to rear its head and bearing its croissant fangs.

Leon wasted no time, firing off a shot that tore through a blintz, but didn't slow it down in the least.

"What do you think was going to happen, Leon? You'd shoot a jelly donut through the heart?" Freddy growled, trying to shift his weight into a somewhat intimidating pose— even if his gut was brushing along the floor.

"Well I don't see you doing anything about it!"

The food monster lunged, thumping Freddy in the gut. He slashed with his claws, but only got jam and tomato sauce all over his hand for his trouble. The monster began menacing Leon, wrapping itself around him, and in the last moment, Freddy unhinged his jaw like a cobra and clamped down.

The monster reared back to strike and Freddy braced himself. When the beastly mass of food rammed into him, Freddy took as big a bite as he could out of it. Freddy smacked

his middle, letting out a loud belch mixed with a growl. “Delicious!”

Leon tried firing again at the pile of food while Freddy battled with the beast, grabbing fistfuls of donuts and pastries from the monster’s multiple layers, determinedly stuffing his face. After gorging himself on the Plenty's offerings, it was as if Freddy had been training for this fight.

His expanding belly was a bottomless pit; there was always room for just one more

bite, as he inhaled sweet frosting and fried dough. The wolf reduced the fearsome

snake-like mass of confectionery to a game of cat and mouse; every time it came close and tried to pound him or slink away to grab at Leon, he would only take bigger and bigger bites out of it.

His body, however, could only take so much food before expanding to pack the

frosting and grease covered mass in. His stuffed, tank-sized belly dragged along the ground, his flabby legs slowed as they grew wider than they were long, and his arms, wreathed in layers of flab, jiggled as he grabbed for more and more cake, crushing the fried dough in his fat sausage


Eventually, gravity caught up with him; with a rear inflated big enough to smother

any of his previous foes, Freddy felt his mass slowing him down as the remains of the Plenty's last meal helplessly batted against his flabby side. It was a wonder either were still standing, with Freddy's belly like a lead balloon, keeping him firmly rooted to the ground.

Freddy was left huffing heavily, his inflated fingers pawing helplessly at his bloated, sloshing iceberg of a gut, pressing into his pillow-sized moobs. Leon was plastered to the wall, catching his breath and staring at the massive mess of sauces and crumbs left all over the room. He looked up at Freddy, now a living mountain of blubber. A shiver ran down the sniper's spine; that could have been him, had the monster gotten a hold of him.

"Uh… thanks, Freddy, I owe you one." Leon breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't… don't mention it…" the wolf rumbled.

For the first time in an hour, the door opened. Clapping slowly, Set sauntered in, the sharp-dressed canine smirking wide. "Well done, Freddy— I have to hand it to you, that must be the first creative thought you had in some time. And look at you— it looks like it only cost you, what, half a ton?" he snickered.

"Can it, Sander," Freddy grumbled, a blush rising in his round cheeks.

"No, really, I think you can make this work… got sunglasses big enough to cover all this?" Set quipped, smacking Freddy's bare pair of boulders that was his rear. It rippled, sending jiggling tremors across his entire body.

Freddy glowered at him. "You set me up, you empty suit."

"Hah, good, you still got your wit." Sander began pacing around the wolf's wide circumference. Freddy turned away from Set to meet Leon's gaze. His partner gripped his weapon, pushing a button that let out a single musical note. Freddy breathed in sharply; feeling a rush of strength that allowed him to just pull himself and stand again. Freddy grinned toothily, glancing over his shoulder while Sander kept gloating.

"Don't worry too much, Freddy— we can always find a use for you the way you are now. Taste testing in the cafeteria, perhaps?" Set chuckled, unaware of the shadow looming over him. "Or perhaps we can just have you holding down something from floating away—"

Wham! An avalanche of furry blubber hit Sander, Freddy burying him under his reams of fat. He wriggled his body as Sander squirmed, smirking to Leon. "Well, don't think anyone's going to miss him?"

Leon returned the smirk. "Not for a while, at least. You want a snack, big guy? I'm feeling a bit peckish."




Loving the big blubber of Freddy. Also with steamboat Willie now in public domain, will you use that form whether to beef up or fatten up or with Pete of that form?


The way you draw Freddy is so huggable, I love it!