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A few characters belonging to me and Silver find themselves at a Holiday party, each with a few party favors to leave a big impression. Awan, my chunky reptilian Prince Charming, gets to try moving mountains instead of only being as big as one.

You can read more about him here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37052040/


Prince Awan Jabala, heir to the throne of the island kingdom of Rasushan, was used to being invited to opulent parties, but he had never quite seen party favors like this. The party was a Holiday party, the main venue a massive ballroom adorned with red and gold banners, holly littered on the tables throughout. No sooner had the Prince met one of the two hosts- a white stag with long black hair, impeccably dressed- than Awan had a gold cup pushed into his hand. The enormous reptile was no stranger to good food and drink, and gladly drank heartily; but then quickly clutched his immense middle.

The strangest sensation washed over Awan, as if he was being squeezed and pushed at the same time, tightening in some areas and expanding in others. He felt a dozen invisible hands began to shape him like clay. His princely raiments burst apart at the sleeves, silk tearing as he felt a rush of power and energy surge into him, suddenly inflating arms thick with excess fat into rippling, bulging masses of muscle, his biceps suddenly peaking above his head. The komodo dragon huffed, his chest taking on a great amount of the mass his belly once did as it gurgled and tightened into sturdy stacks of brick-sized abs, his new pecs surging forward, a foot past his muzzle at the least.

All this, augmented by legs that no longer wobbled, but rippled with his heavy, powerful steps. His clothes, not meant for such a sudden shift in dimensions, all fell away, revealing the reptile's powerful form. Awan felt his tongue flit out, snaking between the cleft of his pecs. The Kings of Rasushan were judged by their immense weight, and called Kings of the Mountain. Well, what if Awan could go and lift that mountain? The prince looked around, his head light from the heady brew and the surge of power he felt pulsing through his body- he must find this other host, and thank him immediately.




Oh hey, I forgot that Awan was yours! He's a total hunk at every size, easily.


He may not be able to shake his boulder belly, but at least he’s more mobile enough to shake his Komodo dragon butt. And probably strong enough to lift his mountain-sized brothers with ease