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Rocket Raccoon discovered what Halloween is all about, and loves it- now, he's got his eyes- and gut- set on the rest of the holiday season! Enjoy!


"Oh, crap- Quill, I think I love candy a little too much…" Rocket groaned. The raccoon was splayed out on the floor of the Milano, lying in a crater made up of empty candy wrappers.

"You don't say," Peter grumbled, crossing his arms as he looked down at Rocket. Trick-or-treating had been a lot more chaotic than he remembered- but when Rocket started threatening people with his custom laser cannon, he was pretty certain that wasn't part of the Halloween festivities. While Rocket didn't understand the intricacies of trick-or-treating, he quickly developed a sweet tooth, and definitely came to understand what to do with his massive haul- absolutely gorge himself.

Rocket hauled himself up, panting slightly as he reached for another fistful of candy. He was now roughly three times his weight, his belly swollen to the size and shape of a beach ball, straining his orange jumpsuit until his overstuffed gut split it open right down the middle. His limbs were inflated, his chest puffed up and soft- how he had eaten this much candy, this fast, had astounded the rest of the Guardians. As Rocket limply reached out for another jack-o-lantern bucket filled with candy, Groot stepped in, pulling it away from him.

"I am Groot," he said sternly.

"I will tell you when I've had enough!" Rocket snapped, managing to greedily grab a few more pieces of chocolate, stuffing it into his mouth defiantly.

"Trust me, Rocket, you've had enough," Peter said. "If you have any more, I won't be able to tell you apart from the jack-o-lanterns."

After a moment, Drax let out a barking laugh. "Hah! Yes! Because he is so fat, he's as round as the pumpkins, and he's wearing orange!"

"Ah, stuff it, Quill! You too, Drax, your tits're still bigger!" Rocket snapped, hauling himself up and tugging on his jumpsuit, his flabby rear wobbling as he righted himself.

Peter rolled his eyes as Rocket started fighting with Groot to grab the rest of his candy.

"What do we do with him?" Gamora said quietly, pulling Peter to the side. "This can't be healthy for him."

"Yeah, no kidding…" Peter sighed. "It sucks, but maybe we should clear out of earth early… I was looking forward to Thanksgiving. I don't think Rocket could handle that."

"What?" Rocket scoffed. "What can't I handle? What's Thanksgiving?"

"It's another holiday with food, but forget it, you are going on a diet!" Peter snapped.

"A diet? The hell I am!" the tubby raccoon snapped back. "I don't know what you're thinking, Quill, but there ain't nothing I can't handle!"




He's lookin' great already! Shapely.


He’s gonna look more bloated up than those parade balloons seen on thanksgiving