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Asterius has reached the Garden of Hesperides, and has finally sated his hunger! But what about his figure? Enjoy, everyone, and see you all next month!


The Garden of the Hesperides was as near to a paradise as could be seen in the mortal world, a lush and beautiful island filled with trees as tall as towers, flowers of every color, and nymphs, dryads, and satyrs who sang magic songs to bid the grass grow and the water to flow clear as glass. It was a place of utter tranquility- that is, until the arrival of Asterius. Seeing the delights of the island- the rich, ripe fruit hanging from the vine, the crystal clear and sweet spring water, not to mention the fattened game Theseus would bring him- but that all paled in comparison to the trees that held the Golden Apples. No manner of satyr or nymph guarding the grove could stop the minotaur barrelling towards them, now big enough to qualify as a stampede all his own. Taken by Tantalus' hunger, the minotaur gorged himself into a mountain of rich, plush beef.

Theseus was left using all his god-like strength to haul Asterius to his feet, digging deep into folds of back fat so overflowing his arms almost completely disappeared into the folds. Finally, the minotaur was on his feet.His legs alone were thicker than the trucks of the apple trees he had picked bare, two soft, doughy barrels as his thighs mashed together, and his bloated rear was round and wide as a pair of shields. He huffed mightily, standing to his full height even as the thick apron of his lower belly mashed against the floor. That enormous, blubbery boulder dominated his body, a gigantic, grey avalanche that sagged all the way to the ground and spread out as wide as a globe. Sitting at the crest of that hill-like swell, Asterius' once strong, deep chest had inflated into bloated grain sacks, weighing down on his huge gut. His arms were swaddled in reams of fat, once mighty muscles buried deep, propped up as his now lard-ridden triceps rested against augmented love-handles. Sausage fingers greedily grasped at the last golden apple, and already Asterius was smacking his lips, making his multiple chins and round, swollen cheeks wobble.

Theseus and Tantalus kept Asterius steady, and Tantalus looked up at the minotaur hopefully. "So… you've eaten the Golden Apples. All of them. Is… is the curse over? Are the both of us free?"

Asterius thought for a moment, and then patted the crest of his sprawling belly, causing ripples that spread like it was across a lake. "Actually… I think so. I'm not hungry anymore." He glanced down at the apple. "But I could still eat…"

"Ah-ah!" Theseus snatched the apple out of Asterius' hand. "I'll be keeping this. We need something to motivate you back to the Elysian Fields. Now come!" He smacked Asterius' rear, causing more jiggling of fat, and a derisive snort from the minotaur. "The sooner we get back to the Elysian Fields, the sooner we can get you a proper meal again," the hero said. He grinned as Asterius' eyes lit up, and soon began waddling laboriously out of the grove. It would be some time before he was in fighting shape again, but Theseus had to admit, staring at Asterius' voluptuous flanks and meaty thighs, he carried such immense weight rather well.




I want a DLC fight like this, please.


They better not traverse any hills, either they’ll have to deal with a massive blubber boulder that can smoosh all in its path