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We've really been digging our furry OTP's this month, and along with Fox and Wolf, time for Asgore and Bowser, the best furry dads. Bowser takes a recently down on his luck Asgore under his wing, and makes him feel like a king again. Enjoy!


Asgore shifted awkwardly in the small plastic chair afforded him. The monstrous goat-king of the Underground had gone to seed after Undertale had taken off; gone was his fine armor and trident, and there was still a question if he even still held the crown. He wore a pink, floral shirt that had grown taut- too many pies, it would seem, and his large, white, fluffy belly filled his lap, making his movements a little more ungainly than they used to be. He glanced around at the other people in the room, all of them huge and intimidating- but as far as he had been told, they were the support group for him.

"Well, golly- hi all," Asgore started clearing his throat. "My name is Asgore Dreemurr-"

"Hi, Asgore," the rest of the group recited.

"Ah, heh." Asgore grinned nervously. "Well, uhm. This is my first time at Monstrous Anonymous Dads- I was recommended to this group because at the end of my first game, my birth son was turned into an evil flower and my second adopted child was, erm. Missing. But in the next game I was in, they're both alive and well, but I'm in the middle of a very bitter divorce." His shoulders drooped. "...Actually, in both games, I'm bitterly divorced." He rubbed the back of his head. "I suppose I'm just looking for something to fill the void… it's not easy being seperated from my kids for such long periods of time."

A gigantic, metallic hulk groaned sympathetically, his enormous diver's helmet casting light in Asgore's direction.

"Big Daddy is right," Ganondorf nodded, the burly, wild-looking tyrant glancing to Asgore. "More than a hobby, you should look to build new relationships- having a stable social life will help you be a better father, allowing you to be more emotionally available for your children- which is why we're glad to have you here, Asgore. Now," Ganondorf looked over the assorted members. "Most of us here play an antagonistic role in our games, but that doesn't mean we have to antagonize our children- or ourselves. Which is why I'd like to see if anyone would like to step forward as Asgore's sponsor for his first few weeks with ."

Asgore looked around the circle. He thought maybe Big Daddy might be interested, but then, with all the glowing portholes on his helmet, it was hard to tell if he was even looking at Asgore. The awkward pause was interrupted as a new figure pushed his way to the front.

"Sorry 'm late," a deep, draconic voice rumbled. "Had to drop the kid off at Peach's for babysitting, and- oh." Asgore drew his eyes to the newcomer, a huge dragon turtle with yellow scales and a shock of red hair. He was tall, solidly built- a thick core and limbs roped with bulging muscle. "Who's the new guy?"

"G-golly," the goat gulped. Even in this group, he was hard pressed to find someone bigger than him, but this dragon seemed close to scraping his horns against the room. "I'm, uh, Asgore."

The dragon turtle nodded. "Bowser, nice to meetcha." He settled into a seat that groaned under his weight. "Alright, what's goin' on tonight?"

"We were just looking for a sponsor for Asgore," Ganondorf replied. Suddenly, he wore a devilish smile as a thought came to him. "Perhaps… you'd like to do the honors?"

"What?" Bowser looked from Ganondorf to Asgore. "But- Gan, c'mon, I'm a busy man, here!"

"We're all busy, Bowser. We're dads. We've got jobs and kids to look after, heroes to kill, maim, or eat," Ganondorf shrugged.

"It's, uhm, it's alright," Asgore twiddled with his hands nervously, looking to the floor. "I don't want to be a burden…"

Bowser grimaced, looking at the large goat monster mope. New guys shouldn't be this good at looking cute and sad. "Ugh- fine. Fine! Yeah, I'll show you around." Bowser punched Asgore in the arm. "You're lucky, new guy- most don't get to hang out with the king." He smirked, leaning back in his chair, making it groan even louder in protest as his huge back spread out. He folded his arm behind him, biceps and shoulders swelling to frame his reptilian face in beef. Asgore's cheeks turned rosy. He was just so big.

The rest of the meeting passed by uneventfully. Asgore stood with the others at the end, holding up his hand and making the pledge. "I'm both a monster and a dad, and that's who I'm supposed to be- to my kids I promise to be the best dad, and the biggest monster to anyone that goes after my kids."

Asgore and Bowser exchanged contact information, and Bowser promised he would be over the following morning. The kingly goat watched Bowser leave- he walked like he owned the street, and stomped hard enough to crack the pavement beneath his heavy footfalls.

"Golly…" Asgore breathed, his jaw slack.

The next day, Asgore puttered around his tiny apartment. Bowser had been late, by several hours. Had he been stood up already? Asgore fretted, beginning to pace, when a heavy knock on the door nearly made him jump. Opening it he found Bowser, overfilling the door frame.

"Hey, sorry 'm late, but, I brought an apology." Bowser held up a large bag. "Heard you like pie? Heh, though, I could've guessed you had a sweet tooth, Fluffers," He smirked, elbowing Asgore in his soft, round middle.

"Heh, y-yeah… I didn't always used to be so, uhm. Prosperous."

Bowser grinned, squeezing into the narrow entrance, his muscular shoulders pressing up against either end of the door frame. "Jeez. You live here? This ain't a place for big guys like us."

"I, ah, sunk a lot of money into a flower shop… i-it's the best I could afford…" Asgore said, twiddling his thumbs.

"You are really nervous, Fluffers. I don't bite, y'know," Bowser grumbled. He looked around, and snatched up a photo of a human child and a gangly goat with glasses. "Heh. These your kids?"

"Ah- yes. Yes." Asgore looked over Bowser's shoulder, his gut pressed up against the dragon turtle's muscular flank. "The one with the cute little fangs is my first, my son, Asriel, and that is our adopted human child, Frisk."

"Cute, cute…" Bowser nodded, setting the picture down. He then glanced at another photo hanging on the wall. "Woah. Fluffers, is this you?"

Asgore blushed again. The picture Bowser was holding was Asgore in his prime. A cape billowing in the wind, his huge set of kingly plate armor glinting in the light, and casting a far mightier frame than his pink, floral shirts, and his crown placed firmly on his head. "Ah- yes. That would be my coronation portrait- or, a copy, rather."

"Coronation?" Bowser looked back to Asgore. "You're a king?"

"W-well… was. I'm not quite sure anymore, to be honest." Asgore furrowed his brow, looking down at his softened frame. "I don't exactly cut a very kingly figure anymore. And I haven't really heard from the other monsters in a while… I made quite a few mistakes, partially how I ended up here."

"Bwahaha, I knew there was a reason I liked ya!" Bowser threw his heavy arm over Asgore's shoulders, pulling him so close, the goat's check was pressed up against Bowser's thick pec. "I'm a king, too!"

"O-oh!" Asgore's chest puffed up. Bowser certainly looked like a king- not that he dressed regally, but the way he carried himself. That supreme confidence, his charisma- the burgeoning strength mashed up against his cheek and the back of his head from his melon-sized bicep.

"So, what's the deal, anyways?" Bowser flopped on to a couch, and Asgore winced- that much dragon turtle hitting it all at once almost broke the furniture. "You're, what, a King of monsters?"

Asgore demured slightly. "Well… yes. But we weren't monstrous, you understand. But then, I did some… questionable things. I lost my son, my wife…" he slumped. "I don't feel like I was a very good king."

"Well, did your minions like ya?"

"Subjects," Asgore corrected, with enough steel in his voice it made Bowser sit up a little straighter and take notice. "And yes, I… suppose they did. I tried my best to keep them safe, but-"

"But nothing. You made your people happy, kept 'em safe, you were a good king." Bowser said.

"Is that how you rule?"

"Pfft." Bowser palmed his fist, flexing his massive arms and making his pecs bounce. "I keep my goombas and koopas in line. But yeah, that's how I keep 'em safe. They're too stupid to be left on their own."

Asgore smiled thinly. "Sounds like we have different parenting methods."

"Oh, parenting, naw." Bowser chuckled warmly, taking out a photo. "Bowser Jr.'s a chip off the ol' block. Heh, I spoil him rotten."

"Aw," Asgore grinned, looking at the photo of a baby dragon turtle. "He looks like a sweet boy."

"Sweet?" Bowser huffed, snatching the photo out of Asgore's hand. "He's a regular killer! Just like his old man." The koopa king hefted himself up. "But since I'm yer sponsor, and now that I get a good look at you, Fluffers, I see exactly what the problem is."

"You do?"

"Your confidence is shot!" He grabbed the coronation picture again. "That guy, that's who you need to be again."

"Oh, I- I don't know about that," Asgore balked. "That Asgore waged a war that drove my people underground. I'd much rather… create these days. It's why I bought the flower shop."

"Feh," Bowser set the picture down. "Even if ya turn yer crown in for a sun hat for good, any good dad needs confidence! Yer kids should be lookin' up to you! Ya gotta set an example- to them, you'll always be king."

Asgore's brows bounced, but he did find himself standing a little straighter. "Well, golly, when you put it like that…"

"Then it's settled!" Bowser grabbed Asgore, pulling him to his feet. "Yer comin' to the gym with me!"

"The- the gym?" Asgore, back in Bowser's grasp, felt that warmth bloom in his cheeks again.

"Hell yeah! You want confidence? Be the biggest, baddest beast in the gym! We'll pump iron and talk about how to pound fat little Italian plumbers into dust."

Asgore blinked. "...Italian plumbers?"

"It's- it's my thing, don't worry about it," Bowser waved it off. "Put on a tanktop and some sweatpants, we're gonna conquer some weights!"

With an eight foot goat monster and a ten foot dragon turtle pushing themselves into the nearest gym, the rest of the patrons quickly scrambled for the exit, leaving the two monster kings with all the equipment to themselves.

"Golly, did we scare them off?" Asgore asked, tugging at his tanktop- it couldn't quite cover his round midsection.

"Bwahaha! You bet we did!" Bowser slapped Asgore on his thick rear, causing the goat to yelp. "Don't it feel good? Like they just know they can't compete with the two baddest dudes around."

"I don't know, I don't like scaring people all that much…"

"Hmph. You'll learn to love it." Bowser lumbered over to a barbell, and began loading it up with the biggest weights he could find.

"Ah… I don't know about that," Asgore began, rubbing his arm. "I've been rather out of practice."

"Heh. I know, Fluffers." Bowser reached into his gym bag. "Got somethin' for ya- one king to another." He winked, and tossed something to Asgore. "Don't tell the guys at the group about this, okay?"

Asgore glanced down at a mushroom the size of his head, with a red cap and two black markings that looked like eyes. "Is… is this legal?"

"Legal!" Bowser smirked. "We're kings, dummy. We can make it legal. Eat that up- trust me. You'll feel like, well. Heh. Like it's a new life for ya."

Asgore frowned. "I don't know…"

"Aw. C'mon." Bowser nudged Asgore, and drew closer, his pecs pressed up against the goat's chin. "Listen, Fluffers. Trust me. I wouldn't steer ya wrong- besides. I don't give this stuff out to just anyone- only the cute fellas." He winked.

"C-cute?" Asgore echoed, his blush returning in full.

Bowser rolled his eyes, punching Asgore's arm. "Eat the mushroom, dummy!"

Asgore did as he was told. He finished it off in surprisingly few bites, and he soon felt a

surge of energy rush through him. It began in his belly and spread from there, until he was practically bouncing on his toes. He breathed in deep, and his chest surged forward. He gasped as he felt his shirt grow taut, his chest billowing out like white sails under full wind. He steadied himself, spreading his legs as he felt them tighten and bulge, stretching the fabric of his sweat pants until the definition of thick, meaty slabs of muscle, forming solid quads and trunk-sized thighs, could be seen clearly.

"Wh- what was in this?" Asgore grunted, feeling his back and shoulders spread out wider, his arms roped with thick cords of muscle until his biceps grew like snowballs rolled downhill, picking up speed and more mass.

"Heh! Only the best stuff," Bowser winked. "Now g'wan, monster king. Show me what you got!"

Asgore lumbered closer to the barbell. He felt this energy, this power, coursing through him, and with Bowser egging him on, he did want to see how far it went. He glanced at the barbell, the weights piled on enough to match a car. He gripped the bar in thick hands, and his arms tensed- biceps bulged hard as stone, his tire-sized anvils pumping and heaving as he curled the gigantic weight. He could feel Bowser's eyes on him… perhaps he had found something to fill the empty space of his life after all.




Gosh love how big goat dad is and can’t wait to see how big will he become and stronger


Here's hoping Asgore and his new King have some good days to come. The big goat needs 'em.


Wow and with Bowser in this story, one could consider this to be Renard’s and SilverStag’s early contribution to Bowser Day. Can’t wait to see the two massive kings in part 2 of this story