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Just like any good vacation, Beast's time at Disney has to come to an end, but his appetite isn't slowing down any time soon. The fluffiest Disney Prince's life is probably permanently changed, but if he's happy, who are we to judge?

Enjoy the last part of this month's growth series, and see you for April! Thank you all again for your support!


Home at last. It had been nearly a month of vacationing and Beast had succeeded in costing the Walt Disney Company a small fortune in free rooms, souvenirs, park tickets- and, of course, all the food he could possibly want. He had tried every promising dish on Disney property- staples and old favorites like turkey legs, burgers, and pineapple dole whip; more massive and decadent servings like the Kitchen Sink, a gigantic ice cream sundae with every flavor and topping thrown into one chaotic heap; but what had really done him in, what had really tipped him into absolute decadence and gluttony was EPCOT- the international themed park had food everywhere he turned. German Bratwurst, Italian pizzas big as tires, Japanese wagyu beef, Mexican enchiladas, some proper, oversized American hotdogs and barbecued ribs, and by the time he was finishing off with a gigantic spread of French pastries for a touch of home, he was all but rolled out of the park on a massive, overstuffed belly that dwarfed any other guest in sheer mass. He had kept up an online profile, rating and critiquing the food, and the videos had all been popular- even earning him a little money- but by the end, Beast couldn't help but notice that most of the comments weren't about his reviews or videos, but about his rapidly inflating figure. They were surprisingly complimentary- though some did make him blush at the thought of Belle seeing them.

Well, at any rate, the vacation was over, and he had to find something to do with himself. He kept promising that after his obscenely decadent binge, he would get back in shape, but always tomorrow- he was getting comfortable at this size, and after a month of gorging, his appetite at home hadn't abated, much to the dismay of his servants. The castle kitchen was working around the clock, not just for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but Beast's increasingly frequent snacks were getting large enough to come with second and third courses of their own.

He trundled through his castle to the parlor, his once springy, wolf-like legs now caked in lard, two massive thighs rolling off one another and forcing him into a laborious, awkward waddle- but the increasing weight of his ever-expanding belly, spreading out so wide and drooping so low it pressed against the cold stone floor, made his gait into little more than a shuffle. Beast huffed as he carried on, making his enormous, doughy chest flutter, lazily drooping over the crest of his gargantuan belly like too much frosting on a cupcake. His globular gut, his blooming belly, the great, enormous boulder hanging off his torso was a sight to behold- sticking out several feet ahead of his multiple chins, it was excessively soft, a constancy not unlike uncooked dough, overabundant love handles and a deep navel the only features keeping it from being truly spherical. He smacked his lips, causing multiple chins to wobble and inflated, chipmunk cheeks to shudder. Beast just needed to relax a little bit, a moment to catch his breath and watch a movie- in flabby arms swaddled in fat, he jealously clutched a bucket of popcorn the size of a small garbage can and a soda cup the size of a bucket. It was all the enchanted kitchen had on hand, and would have to tide him over until something more befitting a Prince could be prepared.

It was no matter- Beast liked popcorn just fine. Honestly, he thought, as he caught his breath, this may be just the change he was looking for. Maybe he could be known as the Fat Disney Prince? No- that was a touch too silly. At any rate, he was definitely the biggest. But maybe the life of a gourmand was just what he needed to pass the time. He mulled on the idea as he tried easing back into a couch large enough for his titanic, blubbery rear, so overgrown it strained a pair of boxers made of enough cloth to make bedsheets for a king-sized bed. The cursed prince was just getting comfortable, shifting his titanic weight and finally getting off his long-suffering feet, when an ominous groan was followed by a snap like a gunshot, and he fell a couple of feet to the floor, smashing the couch beneath his gargantuan weight and causing his entire blubbery frame to ripple.

Beast was shocked, but oddly accepting of the circumstances- he could just have a larger, sturdier couch built. Besides, all the padding on him meant, so long as he was resting on something, he was reasonably comfortable. No need to rush the servants to clean up, he was supposed to be relaxing. He carefully balanced his drink atop two belly folds, and then rested the popcorn bucket atop his breasts, tipping it back for easy access. Perhaps he should consider losing some of the weight… but after dinner, he always thought more clearly on a full stomach.




Hey, seems like he could use a helper or two! I'm there any day.


Beast is so large, he could be a Disney parade float. And if a bunch of inanimate objects are people in his castle…. Then did he just broke one of his servants with his girth? Although that would delight some people that got a kink like that


Beast, just accept your destiny to be a fluffy, immobile, blob. I’m sure there are plenty of people that would love to join you as a servant