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Beast is in desperate need of a vacation (mood) but it looks like he's a bit more of a foodie than he first appears. Enjoy all, Beast is getting all blubbery for this month!


Prince Adam- well, Beast to practically everyone in his day-to-day life- was left staring up at one of the many frescoes that adorned the ceilings of the castle he shared with his wife, Belle. He wasn't quite certain what was wrong with him. He had been, not discontent, but bored, was perhaps the best way to put it. To be sure, he was living a Happily Ever After life with Belle, but being a Disney character these days was a perilous business- if your name wasn't being dragged through the mud because of an awful live action remake, then you weren't marketable, and left to languish in a luxurious retirement. Well, it had been five years since he and Belle had their brush with a remake, and now they were more or less left alone, with Belle left to console Snow White and Ariel about what would happen to their stories, and Beast with… nothing.

Perhaps he needed a vacation. Beast sat up, thinking for a moment. If he were to get away for a bit, where would he go? Well, he was a Disney Prince- he was well liked, if the embarrassingly huge amount of fan art was an indicator, and there were still some perks to being tied to such a celebrated story- maybe he could use that to get a practically free vacation with all the trimmings. Goodness knows, whatever he would want to do, fancy resorts, theme parks, cruises, were all covered by the Disney brand. Beast stood up, grinning slightly. He couldn't remember the last time he had some fun- at least, the last time he did so on his own. Well, why not? He had done his part for the Happiest Place on Earth, it was about time he enjoyed it.

Walking through the Magic Kingdom was an odd experience- it was pleasant to see, but he was getting quite a few stares- more requests for autographs and pictures than he expected, though. He wasn't in his usual outfits; the princely court outfit or his purple cloak, but instead, a pair of comfortable jeans, modified for his springy, wolf-like legs, and a tanktop that fit his barrel-chest and broad shoulders. Honestly, now that he was here, he wasn't sure what to do- a good number of the rides weren't big enough for him, and he couldn't just sit back at any of the shows without drawing attention. He furrowed his brow, but then his sensitive nose picked up a delicious scent- a cheeseburger the size of a hubcap. He quickly ordered one, and as soon as he bit it, his eyes lit up- he was used to the delectable food of his castle's kitchen, and so he had high standards for food- he rarely found something he liked, and this had caught his attention. He began to think of all the restaurants Disney owned, and he began to develop a plan on how to spend his vacation time…




Whoo, more Big Beast to enjoy! I'm gonna love this month.


Oh noooooo he’s going to undo all the work he put in to getting huge from that last story you did of him


I’m looking forward to this. Not enough fat Beast stuff out there