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Read Part 3 here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/snugglemagnes-3-43192391
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And a fond farewell, saucy knaves! No voting on this one, as this is the last part of Snugglemagne's Interactive Story- thanks for participating, enjoy, and keep your eyes peeled for a whole new victim starting in December!

A blast of magical energy hit Snugglemagne, and in a blinding light, knocked the sky pirates off their feet. Cowering where he stood, Snugglemagne dared to open an eye. He had to lean forward to see past his own belly, but there was Orangusnake, the most hated criminal in Pure Heart Valley, lying at his feet.

“Ah-ha!” the king chortled, resting a hand on his plush chest. “Marvelously done- and all thanks to my cool-headed and decisive leadership, naturally. There, there, dearest subjects! The Sky Pirates are defeated, and the best part is that I- I mean, we- did it all on our own, without that wretched Sheriff Mao Mao. But now, I think it is time for a celebratory feast, yes?” the lion purred, patting his swollen belly meaningfully.

“Ugh… h-hold on just a second there, Your Flabbiness,” Orangusnake groaned as he pulled himself up to his feet. “I’m not done with you yet!”

Snugglemagne clicked his tongue, bouncing his belly against the sky pirate. “Really, now. You filthy peasants never know when to just lay down and take it. Camille! Blast him again, would you?”

“But I didn’t blast him, I blasted you!” the magic technician responded.

The king furrowed his brow. “Blasted me with what, praytell?” Before she could respond, the lion’s belly gurgled loudly. Feeling a tightness in his waistband, Snugglemagne bit his lip in horror as he saw his already voluptuous love handles overflowing his costume, stretching and tearing the cloth. “Camille what did you DO?!” he shrieked.

“Uh… made you fat, I guess? Is that not what you wanted?” Camille asked, scratching her head as she leaned down to Honey. “We were supposed to make him fat, right?”

Orangusnake, however, was grinning wide as he watched Snugglemagne bloat, inflating like a pudding-filled balloon. “Oh-ho-ho! Guess you’re a real fat cat now, aren’t you? Sky Pirates! Grab the king and roll him out of here, he won’t be putting up much of a fight for much longer!”

“W-what? I say, stay back you ruffians!” Snugglemagne ordered, to no avail. Orangusnake’s hench-pirates grabbed Snugglemagne, each one tugging on the growing lion. Rattarang leapt and then instantly sank into the folds of the king’s belly, while Ramaraffe tried wrapping her neck around the lion’s girth, iron coils pressing into plush white blubber.

“That’s it! Now tip him on his side, and roll him out of here!” Orangusnake shouted, menacing the Cutie-pies as his henchmen worked on the king. Boss Hostrich dug in his heels, shoving into Snugglemagne’s voluptuous side.

“Ah, boss, ah say- we’re havin’ a bit of a problem, here, his center o’ gravity’s really keepin’ him stuck,” the ostrich replied.

“You unwashed knaves can’t just kidnap a king!” Snugglemagne huffed indignantly, puffing up his chest even as his belly began to expand, straining Ramraffe’s hold on him. “Why, once I’m done with you, I’ll have to outlaw anyone being so thoroughly poorly dressed ever again, by royal decree!” he shouted, pointing an accusatory sausage finger at Orangusnake. “Those two shades of purple, and those ridiculous shoulder spikes are hideous!”

“It’s an aesthetic!” Orangusnake shouted. “Ramraffe! Shut him up!”

“Y-yeah, about that, boss,” Ramraffe grunted, straining from the effort as more and more of Snugglemagne’s belly pushed against her elongated neck. “Having a bit of trouble with tha- woah!”

Ramraffe lost her grip on the king’s gut, and her neck snapped back like a spring, her head spinning in circles. Snugglemagne’s figure expanded, augmented by Camille’s magic, and the king fell on his enormous, flabby rear with an audible crash, cracking the marble floor and making the castle’s great hall shake.

“O-oh dear…” Snugglemagne gulped, gasping slightly for breath as his body filled up with Camille’s spell- it felt like an invisible hand was stuffing heavy cream into every single corner of him as his belly pushed forward like an avalanche.

“Captain, ah don’t think ah can keep a hold like this!” Boss Hosstrich gasped, before he fell underneath one of the king’s chunky thighs, reams of fat piling up on him.

“B-boss! I-I think I’m drownin’ up here!” Ratarang flailed in the folds of the king’s belly, before he disappeared in a wave of white blubber, the indent he left looking not unlike a crater on the moon. Snugglemagne’s body continued to expand and grow, covering more and more of the great hall. The fat piled onto his legs as they laid on the floor, splaying to make room for his belly. They were now languid from the weight packed on to them, as they continued to grow wider than they were long, with two small feet left uselessly kicking the air. His puffed-up arms and gelatinous chest laid on top of his belly or at the sides like half-melted ice cream, and it was only by grace of his mane that Snugglemagne’s collection of chins weren’t more prominent- even though his cheeks billowed out like full sails.

Left slack-jawed at the sight, Orangusnake barely had time to react as a wave of fat from that globular belly reached him, knocking the sky pirate flat on his feet. Buried under an avalanche of lard, the supervillain was left sputtering impotently as he tried to get free. “No! Get off me, you gigantic tub of royal lard! I am Orangusnake! Only Mao Mao is allowed to defeat me!”

Snugglemagne screwed his eyes shut, cringing at the spectacle he had made of himself- it had begun with just a little extra dessert, but now he had been made a prize hog in front of the entire Valley. How would anyone respect him as king now?

However, the Cutie-pies, left in stunned silence, eventually began to cheer as the Sky pirates lay

there defeated. Snugglemagne opened his eyes to see his subjects chanting his name, and then did his best to bow- even if it just meant dipping his face into his own fat. “Never fret, dear subjects! As ever, your king is willing to sacrifice anything- even his trim waistline- to protect the people of this Valley!”

“The king won using his disgustingly fat gut!” Pinkie cheered. “He should eat the Sky pirates next to assert dominance!”

The king balked. “U-uhm, yes, that might be a little too far…”

Then the doors of the great hall flew open as Mao Mao charged in, the black cat brandishing his golden sword. “Nobody move!” the sheriff shouted. “Your Majesty, we came as soon as the sensors I bugged the palace with alerted us the Sky Pirates were-” Mao Mao’s mouth fell open as he stared up at his liege. “...Woah.”

“Ah-ha-ha, back are you, sheriff?” Snugglemagne tittered, dismissively waving an inflated hand. “Well, as you can see, we have everything well in hand. I beat the sky pirates without even lifting a finger!”

“P-please!” Orangusnake wheezed, reaching out a hand to Mao Mao. “Get him off me!”

“Quiet, you!” Snugglemagne huffed, rocking back and forth to send his belly rippling, heavy reams of fat mashed up against the sky pirate. “Anyway, if you wish to make yourself useful Mao Mao, perhaps you could find me a proper meal? I am famished from a long day’s work.”



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