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Read the first half here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bowsers-high-1-42933151

Thank you all again for your continued support! Here we see Bowser really filling out his new throne, and showing everyone the type of king he's going to be- a big, fat royal pain in another villain's ass.

Kamek and Princess Peach reached the crest of a hill overlooking Acorn Plains, one of the most tranquil spots in the Mushroom Kingdom- and had to pause as the sound of loud, draconic wheezing drew closer.

“Just- just gimme a sec, here!” Bowser gasped, patting his inflated chest. The newly christened Super King of the Koopas and Toadstools lumbered to the top of the hill, his belly preceding him by a second or two, jostling as his fat-swaddled thighs bounced off of it. “Okay!” he gulped for air. “What’s the situation?”

“Down there, your largeness,” Kamek pointed to the valley below. Just on the horizon, there was a growing mass of… something. Bowser frowned, squinting as he cupped his hand over his eyes. “What the heck has that crazy little twerp cooked up this time? ...And why do I smell buttermilk frosting?”

Fawful’s voice echoed across the landscape, thanks in part to a comically large megaphone the Beanish villain was carrying with him. “Please to give attention, Mushroom Kingdom! I, being Lord Fawful, do hereby declare myself Supreme King!”

Bowser leaned in, his wide flank pressing up against Kamek. “Is ‘Supreme King’ better than ‘Super King’?” he muttered.

“I… don’t think there’s much difference between the two, your grandness.”

“Also to the fat that is King Bowser,” Fawful’s voice continued. “I shall sizzle you like bacon in the grease of your failure!”

“Oh, now he’s callin’ me out!” Bowser snorted, puffing up his over-inflated chest as he palmed his fist. “Hold me back, Kamek! I don’t want to flatten him too soon!” Bowser took a few lumbering steps, huffing as the smaller koopa mage tugged on his shell.

“Bowser, wait!” Peach held out her arm, blocking the overweight dragon. “We don’t even know what we’re dealing with yet!”

“Oh, please,” Bowser scoffed. “If that puny plumber can deal with Fawful, he ain’t got a chance against me!”

“W-why don’t we actually use our soldiers, first?” Peach suggested, gesturing quietly to Toad to get the troops ready. “Think about how much more… satisfying it would be to beat Fawful, without you needing to lift a finger?”

Bowser huffed, crossing his arms and resting them on the crest of his belly. “Well… yeah, I guess my goons could rough him up a bit before I finish him off.”

The Princess breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s all I ask. Toad, Kamek? Would you get the Toadstools and Koopas ready?”

Kamek glanced nervously over to Bowser, who snorted his approval. “Uh… right, yes, quick as I can,” he said, before disappearing a cloud of smoke.

“Now, Bowser,” Peach gently wrapped her arms around his. “Why don’t we take a step back, and keep up your strength with a few snack cakes I brought along?”

“Hm… well, I guess- but one of them better be chocolate,” the king rumbled. Peach breathed a sigh of relief; if she could stall for just a little while longer, surely Mario would show up to save the day.

The two royals stayed at the top of the hill, with Bowser temporarily placated with a steady stream of small cakes. Peach, a pink parasol in one hand and binoculars in the other, was watching the battle closely as Toadstools and Koopa Troopas lined up side-by-side.

Bowser was beginning to feel restless as he polished off another snack, wiping his maw. “Don’t ya think this is a little… y’know, wimpy?”

“Tell the third company to move to the west, so they can flank… whatever those things Fawful is using,” Peach muttered to one of the toadstools, who dashed away. She turned to Bowser. “Well, no- I’m not exactly a warrior princess, but I can still lead and delegate- from here, we can see the whole battlefield and direct our forces with foresight.”

“Yeah, I’ll show you foresight,” Bowser muttered angrily, hefting up his augmented bulk. “Hang tight, Peachie, I’m gonna show you how a real king does it.”

“What? But- but Bowser!” Peach bit her lip. Normally, she wouldn’t care if Bowser did something foolhardy, but at this moment, they were allies- and, she had to admit, he had not been the tyrant she feared. Still, Bowser’s bulk was too great for her to hold back, and the koopa king began trudging closer to the battle.

When the koopa troopas saw their King pushing his way through to the front lines, they cheered, which kept Bowser going even as he tried to keep himself from wheezing. The thought that he had, perhaps, had a little too much cake finally wriggled its way into his mind for the first time as his oversized, scaly belly churned, his flabby legs ached from carrying so much weight, and his spiked shell had never felt so heavy. A panicked idea that lazing around Princess Peach’s castle and eating enough cake to sustain a small town was not the best way to prepare for war flared up, but was quickly beaten down by Bowser’s ego as he flashed another toothy smile to his underlings, dimpling his round cheeks.

His belly served as a useful tool for bumping people out of his way, at least, as he finally stood before Fawful. “Alright, garbanzo! You wanted Bowser, you got him!” He snarled, raising his fists. “I’ll beat you into paste and serve you on a burrito!”

The diminutive Beanish smiled a little too widely as Bowser presented himself. Fawful, floating on a hoverboard of his own invention, cackled gleefully. “Bowser! How fitting it is that you are going to the food references! But you will find that it is you who will be wrapped into the burrito of doom!”

“Yeah, well, right now I’m hungry for some fried beans- buzz off, freak!” Bowser snarled, and belched a fireball that Fawful only just dodged.

“Oh ho ho! The Bowser has some spice, but I am thinking he should consider some sweet!” Fawful chortled. He zipped out of the way, revealing a monstrously huge creature- it was made of three separate cylinders, like some sort of moving tower. It had a bright white face, its top was covered in white goop, and flames were flaring out from smokestacks.

“Uh… woah.” Bowser gulped, standing up as straight as the monster cast him in its shadow. The creature had an overly sweet smell that made Bowser’s nostrils twitch, something that was very familiar- and was just enough to distract him as the towering monster slammed into Bowser like a battering ram, tipping the koopa over, his spikes digging into the ground.

Jeez, Fawful!” Bowser wheezed, trying to catch his breath as he rocked back and forth, part of his flabby middle still rippling from the impact. He dragged himself to his feet, swung a fist, but it went straight into the creature’s body and back out, like he was punching rubber.

From her perch overlooking the battlefield, Peach winced. She was starting to feel bad for Bowser, who was moving too slow and hitting back too weakly to put up any sort of a fight. When the koopa dragon was once again knocked down, landing on his flabby behind, Peach gasped, and rushed over, using her parasol to float down to meet Bowser.

“Ugh…” Bowser groaned, glancing up at the Princess. “Hey, Peachie.”

“Bowser! Are you alright?”

“Uh… I’ve felt better. Listen, Peach, I think I’m a little, er… out of shape.”

The Princess grimaced. “Well…” she glanced quickly at Bowser’s stuffed belly, a sign of her handiwork. “Maybe a bit.”

“I probably had a bit too much cake…” Bowser grumbled. “I swear, I can even smell it right now.”

Peach glanced up at the monster Bowser had been fighting, this towering creature with goop slathered all over it, smokestacks billowing out fire, but then, she smelled it too- chocolate cake. Taking another look at the creature, she narrowed her eyes. “That’s because… I think this monster is a cake.”

What?” Bowser sat up, belly spilling over his thighs. “Fawful, did you really send a cake to beat me?”

The Beanish supervillain cackled. “Yes! It is the fearsome Bundt! Its sweet deliciousness is the flavor of evil!”

Bowser and Peach looked at each other. “So…” Bowser glanced between the Beanish and the cake monster. “I can eat it?”

“Yes!” Peach cheered. “You absolutely can!”

“Hah, now we’re talking!” Bowser, summoning up the last of his strength, pulled himself up and charged towards the Bundt.

“Wait- wait no! This is unpossible!” Fawful cried, but quickly had to dodge a fireball belched up by the flabby koopa.

“Can it, beansprout! First law of the Koopa Kingdom- don’t bother me when I’m eatin’!”

As the towering Bundt moved to knock Bowser back down, the koopa braced for the hit and leaned into it, and took as big a bite as he could out of the Bundt. Bowser smacked his middle, letting out a loud belch. “Bwahaha, it is chocolate!”

Peach fell back, redirecting the koopas and toadstools to keep Fawful busy as Bowser battled with the Bundt, grabbing fistfuls of gooey chocolate and rich red velvet from the monster’s multiple layers, gleefully stuffing his face. After gorging himself on Peach’s baking for months, it was as if Bowser had been training for this very fight all along. His expanding belly was a bottomless pit; there was always room for just one more bite, as he inhaled sweet frosting and moist cake. The dragon reduced the once fearsome Bundt monster to a game of cat and mouse; every time it came close and tried to pound him or knock Bowser down, he would only take bigger and bigger bites out of it.

His body, however, could only take so much Bundt before expanding to pack the frosted mass in. His stuffed, tank-sized belly dragged along the ground, his flabby legs slowed as they grew wider than they were long, and his arms, wreathed in layers of flab, jiggled as he grabbed for more and more cake, crushing the Bundt in his fat sausage fingers.

Eventually, gravity caught up with him; with a rear inflated big enough to smother any koopa, Bowser felt his mass slowing him down as the remains of the Bundt helplessly batted against his flabby side. It was a wonder either were still standing, with Bowser’s belly like a lead balloon, keeping him firmly rooted to the ground.

Fawful, still flitting between koopa troopas and angry toadstools, saw the lard-laden monarch and cackled madly. “Ahaha! You see? You were no match for the Bundt- and now you are the stuffed turkey!”

Belching softly, Bowser thumped his fist against a flabby, expansive chest the size of a pair of mattresses. “Just- urp! Try me, Refried- I’m still hungry, I could go for some bean dip!” He shot another fireball at the Beanish, who quickly ducked, keeping his hoverboard close to the ground and near Bowser’s belly, so large the koopa king couldn’t see past it.

“Hahaha! It is I who shall feast on dip! For Lord Fawful can be right next to you, and you are as harmless as the fly! In defeat, I have snatched the victory, for I- GAH!”

Bowser, feeling Fawful poke and prod the lower reams of his belly fat, decided he had earned a good break, finally letting his belly rest as he plopped down on his titanic rear, legs splayed for the tidal wave of scaly fat that shook the ground on impact, and smothered Fawful beneath it.

“BWAHAHAHA! That’s how much you suck, Fawful! I can beat you without even getting up!” Bowser jeered. His crown secure once again, the enormous dragon turtle grabbed a fistful of Bundt cake and shoved it into his hungry maw.

Peach and the toadstools were left perplexed, while the koopas worked themselves into a loud, resounding cheer for their obese monarch. Clearing her throat, Peach glanced down to Toad. “Well… that’s one way to solve the problem.”

Just behind Peach, a familiar green pipe burst out of the ground. Leaping out was Mario, the red-clad plumber landing besides Peach with a triumphant “Lets-a go!” But his jaw fell open when he saw Bowser, now ten times the dragon he remembered. “Oh, Mamma mia…”

“Bwahaha, look he finally showed up!” Bowser smirked, grabbing a fistful of his own fat and jostling it, causing ripples across his enormous body. “See this, Mario? This is what success looks like! I’ve been havin’ your cake for months- and I ate it, too! Bwahaha!”

Peach gently laid a reassuring hand on Mario’s shoulder, the plumber shocked. “So… a lot happened while you were gone.” She glanced over at Bowser, the crown still perched on his fat head as he reached for more of the Bundt, celebrating his victory. “But, you know, I think Bowser and I have worked something out.” Looking over to Mario, she smiled guiltily. “I don’t suppose you’d mind grabbing a few ingredients, would you? He really did earn his cake this time.”



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