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Hello everyone!

I have new development progress report for Playnite 9. I'm only listing more interesting changes, you can see list of all changes I'm making on GitHub. And remaining milestone features on GitHub as well here.

As always, thank you very much for continued support.


Library file storage changes

I changed how Playnite stores library information on disk. The library load times should be noticeable faster then before, especially if you have large library and/or slow disk drive. It should also solve some issues caused by cloud solutions like Google Drive or Dropbox (if you use those to sync Playnite data).

Grid view grouping

Grid view now shows game groups properly, like on other views.

Play actions rework

I completely reworked how game actions work:

  • You can now configure more play actions. If more play actions are present, you'll get choice dialog when starting a game.
  • Extensions can inject new play actions. This should be useful for extensions that can globally change game startup process, for example when they can start streaming a game instead of running local instance.
  • This will also combine with emulation support rework planned for Playnite 9. It should give an ability to launch a game via different emulator or launch specific game disk.

Game scripts variables

Game scripts can now use "PlayniteApi" (gives access to the whole SDK) and "Game" (instance of game related to a script) variables. This will allow implementing some custom scenarios via game scripts that would previously require creating new extensions.



I love the new changes, I only miss the new duplicates management feature. Thank you for the hard work. Looking forward to try the new version!!


I’m just beginning to get into the codebase, but reading this, it’s clear that there’s a lot of forward thinking going into the architecture and development of features - especially those related to extending and scripting. That’s great news for those of us looking to make use of those vectors in the future! Great work.