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Wow! It's been a whole year! My girlfriend and I want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us and making this possible! We never could have done this without you! What a wild ride this has been. One year ago we launched two scenes: Resting On Her Lap, and Date Night Part 1. We loved how they had turned out, but had no idea if they would be received well by the VaM community. The support for our mocaps has not stopped growing since then, and I'm very proud of what we have accomplished. We have learned and grown SO much in the past 12 months! I remember being very worried at the beginning, wondering if this would be worth the time and money I had invested. My main goal behind starting Cuddle Mocap was to provide a way for my girlfriend to work from home and quit her stressful job. She now gets to spend a lot more time doing things she loves, and she's much happier than she was before. I cannot fully express my gratitude to you guys for that. Thank you so much!

Soon we will be announcing our new tiers and giving you guys more ways to enjoy our mocaps. :) I have some things to finish before that announcement is ready, but I'm working very hard on it! As our business grows, our next goal is to move into a bigger apartment so we can have a dedicated mocap space. Being able to record mocaps from home whenever we want would be amazing! We are fully committed to delivering high quality content every month, and we want you guys to feel like your money is well spent. :) Just think: if we've come this far in one year, having spent so much time figuring out how to do this, just think of how much better our scenes will be during our second year! :O

Lastly, I want to give a shout out to our patrons who have been here since our first week! Syrbug, wileyc2k23, Hrollaugr, galvinlandar, Isaac Renga, ManInAPickle, Robert Bianca, iordy, NateZillaX, JonnyGee, gamestarr16, Jim Strange, and Xane, you guys are AWESOME!! Many more of you joined in our first month and have stuck around all this time! I've gotten to know some of you on Discord, and I'm very grateful for all of you. Here's to another year of sexy, flirty, cuddly mocaps! Cheers!






happy anniversary cuddles! 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁



Max Man

Happy Anniversary <3