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A lot of people are unaware that VaM has a .json file size limit. It's just over 500 MB per file. This isn't really a problem for anyone EXCEPT mocap creators. When recording 45 frames per second with 9-13 body nodes, plus finger mocaps and facial mocaps... that limit approaches VERY quickly. Because of that, we limit our mocaps to be under 8 minutes, usually stopping around the 6 minute mark. Going past that has made it very difficult or impossible to use the Timeline plugin. But this is NO LONGER the case. Timeline 282 has significantly reduced the file size of Timeline animations. To give an example, my previous edit for the Timbo collab scene was 417 MB. With the new Timeline it is now only 99 MB!  :O

Why am I telling you this? Because this changes how we approach scene creation. What kinds of scenes would I make if I knew that we could record for 20-30 minutes straight with no problems? Would I even bother splitting up scenes into parts 1, 2, 3? Or just make one big long scene? How many scenes should we release per month if we are making longer run times? Right now we are even discussing going back to remaster some of our old scenes, like combining Date Night parts 1-3 into a single scene that flows from one into the next. This is really going to impact the kinds of scenes we make, and I want you guys to know what's going on. For starters, I'm feeling pretty confident about combining Sex at the Beach into one long scene. I think it will run for 14 minutes. However, because the scene is twice as long, it will take twice as much editing. I would need a full 2 weeks to make it.

What are some of your thoughts? Do you guys like the idea of scenes that last 10-20 minutes? Or do you like having the variety of shorter, more frequent releases? We've got lots to discuss about this, and would love to hear your feedback!



I personally am looking forward to long scenes if you can pull them off. I love the Date Night and Sex on a Cruise series but I end up just playing one animation from each set because once I am in, I dont wanna pause to load something else :P

Fakey McFakerton

I think TGC handles this really well. You do both, but in stages. So let’s take your cyber series (which holy shit is FANTASTIC). First you release v1, which is just the striptease/lapdance. then next month, you release v2, which adds the BJ in. then v3, which adds sex. then v4, which polishes up the whole thing and adds any additional features you wanted (maybe the ability to only play one of the three, or to rewind to checkpoints, or to change outfits, whatever). And you keep chatting with your patrons as you do, so at some point you’re posting “ok I think I’m about done with Cyber, anyone have any bugs or feature requests I haven’t hit? no? ok, v4 is final. Now I’m going to start on !nextproject, vote now on what that should be.” You get to build bigger, longer scenes without some super long development schedule. And you get feedback as you go. Plus you get the ability to add extras if/when you want.


Thank you for the feedback, I like that approach! That is similar to an idea that my GF and I discussed. We are thinking of releasing scenes in separate parts, like we have been doing, then combining them together into one big scene at the end. I think it would go very well for a couple series we have coming up, particularly the chair sex series and the cuddle sex series. Both of those were recorded in three parts, each six minutes long, but we didn't stop the recording during the mocap. We just took a little pause then continued. Those ones work out perfectly because the guy's possession never changes. She's the only one who moves. The Cyber series has 3 different guy positions for all 3 scenes, so that would require the player to stop and redo the possession between clips. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just not ideal. I could certainly combine those 3, and I'm considering it. Lots of things to consider! xD