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We started our Patreon 10 weeks ago today, and we just released our 10th scene! That's a big accomplishment for us, and I just want to say thank you to all of you who have come to support us and help us grow! It looks like this month we are going to break even, making back the money we invested into our mocap equipment. I feel so fortunate to have great supporters that helped us get to this landmark. You guys give me the motivation to keep creating, so thank you very much for being here!

Making scenes like this is a lot of hard work, and takes up the majority of my time. That's why this month we are going to focus on improving our efficiency. My first goal is to find a way to use our mocap equipment at home in our tiny apartment. If we can pull this off, we will not only be able to make more sex scenes more quickly, but also higher quality ones. The second goal is to get more accurate raw captures, so I don't have to spend so much time editing and cleaning them up afterwards. We have bought new equipment that should assist with this, and we have also been learning some useful tricks. I'm hoping the end result will be spending half the amount of time and effort, while still releasing roughly 1 scene per week. That way I won't get burned out so quickly, and wouldn't that be nice? xD

What does this mean for our mocap scenes? We will be doing a lot more experiments with sex positions this month. Since last month we released 1 sex scene and 3 non-sex, we are going to flip that around and aim for 3 sex scenes. We always aim to capture beautiful and organic intimacy in our sex scenes, and make it very easy to enjoy in VR.

As usual, I'm going to ask that if you guys have some time, please go to the VaM Hub and leave likes and reviews on our resources! It helps us get noticed by other users, and it also really brightens up my day and makes me happy to be doing this. :) If you guys would like more details on our progress, keep an eye on the works-in-progress section of our Discord. Thank you! You guys are awesome!



This is exciting news! I can't wait for the sex scenes. I am eager to see what you have in mind.