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Hey everyone! We want to give you guys the inside scoop on what we have planned and how things have been going for us. When we started this 6 weeks ago, we had no idea what to expect. The response we have gotten from the community has been awesome! We can't thank you enough for coming to support us! We would love to keep doing this YEARS into the future, including VaM 2.x someday. So stick around with us; I think it will be a fun journey!

Why did we change the way scenes are downloaded?
I found out that our Patreon page has been targeted by pirates. It really sucks when you're just a couple of normal people trying to make ends meet, and then you find out that someone is stealing your hard work and redistributing it. But on a positive note, it makes us feel even more thankful for you guys! So now all posts have been edited to point to our shared cloud drive, and the link will be updated regularly. I'm sorry if this is at all an inconvenience. We'll try our best to make things simple and secure.

Progress report:
I'll be honest: 7 high-quality scenes in 6 weeks was a TON of work, and I am exhausted! We have to work at our regular jobs on top of this, and I haven't had a full night of sleep since we started. But to be fair, we have been creating new methods and learning new things constantly, so we got a lot of stuff out of the way that we won't need to do a second time. I think we have really nailed down our method of doing finger tracking, face capture, and voice recordings. I've been very happy with the results, and the rate that we have been improving. The mouth animations have been tricky, but I'm getting better at them. When I showed my girlfriend how the model's mouth moves to her voice recording, she was like "Whoa! That looks so cool!!" Definitely a step in the right direction. Our motion capture is getting better as well. It's difficult to get a quality capture sometimes, but we learn something new every time we record a new mocap, so we expect to get better and better every month!

What's coming up next?
This month we are going to change pace a little bit so I don't burn myself out! Don't worry, we still plan to release 3 or 4 scenes in April, but we're just going to focus on scenes that are less complex. Our first topic is HIGH HEELS. We have been wanting to try that out, and now is a great time. I hope you guys will really enjoy what we come up with!

We could use your feedback!
We love to hear what you guys think of our scenes! If you think something could be improved, please tell us and we'll try to update it! If you think the scenes are great the way they are, let us know WHAT you liked about it, so we know what to KEEP doing in the future. And as always, if you guys could take a few minutes to review our resources on the VaM Hub, that is a HUGE help to us!

What a great start we have had, and it's all thanks to you guys! Thank you SO much for supporting us!



You've only been in the game for 6 weeks and your content is already better than 95% of motion capture creators. That's how good your stuff is. As for your scenes, the only suggestion I have for them is to add a little more variety with the positions. I know you've technically only had two sex scenes so far, so I'm hoping that's already on your agenda for your scenes. For security, one thing another creator that I follow does is put their files into a Mega folder that can only be accessed via a decryption key, and she puts the key on the release post on her Patreon. Be sure to thank your girlfriend for being willing to lend her voice to your scenes. It adds a ton of sensuality and immersion to them. Keep up the great work and try not to burn yourself out. :)


Thank you! It makes me really happy to hear that you like our scenes that much! I'll be honest, I completely agree with you, I think our scenes are better than most mocaps out there, haha! But maybe I'm biased, lol. Yea, you nailed it, we are going to explore new positions now that we have gotten past this point. I want to make sure that every position we create is VERY natural to use in VR, so I need to do a bunch of testing. Thank you for the security suggestion. This was a quick solution that works for now, but yea I will look into ideas like that too! And yea, isn't she great? :) Her voice acting was PERFECT, and I keep complimenting her on it. I think she is building more confidence now! xD


your content as said by Jersey is really top quality! i highly agree with the Mega with Decryption key! your scenes has a very natural movement and face expression that i have not seen in most scenes before! will continue support but also its important not to burn both of you out!