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A/N: Poll Winner. I included an EPUB with all the HP smut oneshots.

Summary: Tonks had heard about Harry’s crush on Fleur, and with him moping around the house, she knew just how to get him out of his funk. However, he was much closer to Fleur than she realized.

"What's up his arse?" Tonks asked as she gave the fuming Harry Potter an amused look.

"He's just angry that his eye candy isn't here. Isn't that right, Harry?"

"Shut up, Sirius," Harry growled in response.

Sirius clutched his chest dramatically. "Ouch! See, Tonks? The poor boy's deprived. He only has this old man for company, and he doesn't like it."

Tonks laughed when Harry gave Sirius a blistering stare. She wasn't sure if Sirius was teasing Harry, but considering the blush on his face, she guessed it was true.

"Harry?" Tonks pouted, inwardly cackling when Harry's eyes widened, "Does that mean I'm not good enough to be your eye candy?"

"W-What? That's not… Sirius didn't mean… I'm going to my room!" Harry threw his hands up and stomped up the stairs angrily.

Tonks and Sirius shared a look and chuckled at how Harry was acting.

"So, who's the lucky girl?" Tonks asked in curiosity.

"Who else?" Sirius smirked, "The beautiful Fleur Delacour has captured my godson's heart… or at least his eyes."

"Ah, I shouldn't have asked," Tonks shook her head. The silver blonde-haired bombshell had drawn most of the younger men's eyes, so it wasn't surprising that Harry wasn't any different.

Honestly, Tonks was a little jealous of the French bint with all the attention she was getting from the guys. Tonks had always complained about how boys only looked at her and thought one thing, but she didn't realize how much she liked the attention until Fleur had taken it away.

The reminder of the French tart crushed her mood to socialize. After a few stilted sentences in an attempt to keep Sirius company, she quickly extracted herself from the conversation and left her confused cousin behind.

Tonks found herself staring at the mirror later that night, wondering if it was time to change her look. It had been a few years since she had decided on her current form, and it was becoming a little stale. It might even change the predicament she found herself in with Fleur around.

Thinking of the silver-blonde-haired Veela made Tonks subconsciously take on some of Fleur's features since she was already thinking of changing her body. Of course, that only lasted a few seconds until Tonks realized what she was doing. After that, it was done on purpose.

Tonks stepped closer to the full-length mirror and ran a well-manicured finger over full, pink lips, coming to appreciate how kissable they were. She stared at Fleur's icy blue eyes and understood why Harry dreamily stared into the Veela's eyes so often. Tonks decided to apply some of those traits to herself in the makeover. Of course, not necessarily the same color, but more of the shape. She was more of a violet or black kinda witch.

Other than the far-too-perfect face, Tonks didn't miss the looks Harry gave to Fleur's body. She wasn't a witch's witch, but even she had to sometimes stare in disbelief at Fleur's perfectly large tits and jutting arse. It wasn't the size that caught Tonks' attention, but that combined with the entire package.

Molly Weasley was the largest of them all if one went purely by size, but Tonks shuddered when thinking of the matronly witch. Other than Arthur, Molly was nobody's fantasy.

As for Fleur, her large breasts and jutting, spankable arse was accompanied by long legs, a tiny waist, and a beautiful face. Thinking of that perfection made Tonks' jealousy flare again before she reminded herself she was a metamorphmagus. The jealousy Tonks was feeling was something she frequently caused in other witches.

Fleur's face slowly changed into something similar to Tonks' style. The silver-blonde hair turned a shimmering black, the pink lips became darker until it was a bold red, and the icy blues changed into a sparkling violet. The sharp features were mostly kept the same, but Tonks added the Black family touch to avoid looking too much like Fleur's dark twin.

Tonks nodded to herself in the mirror and admired the new look. If nothing else, she knew her mother would appreciate the longer hair and the fact it was no longer colored 'that horrible shade.' As her mother would say.

As for the body, while Tonks admired the curves Fleur possessed, she preferred breasts that would perfectly fit in a man's palms, but the arse she intended to keep, at least for now.

Looking so damned perfect might be fun occasionally, but finding a man that could last for any reasonable time was almost impossible with such a body. Not that there was much of an opportunity to find such a man in these times.

Tonks moved away from the mirror and flopped on the couch, wondering what to do until it was time to go to the headquarters tomorrow. Her thoughts eventually settled on the boy wonder, a slow smile appearing on her red lips. She knew exactly what she would do till tomorrow.

Getting everything right would take a lot of practice, but it would be hilarious when it succeeded.


Harry rolled his eyes at the ceiling when he heard the order members arriving for another useless meeting. Unfortunately, the only good part of the meeting wasn't going to be in attendance. For some reason, Fleur had decided that she needed to spend some time with her family for a few weeks.

… Okay, Harry knew his thoughts were ridiculous, but he sorely missed his eye candy. What else was he supposed to do in a house full of witches and wizards past their forties? At this point, dealing with Ginny's awkwardness would have been better than the current boredom, but Dumbledore refused to let his friends stay at the headquarters for some reason.

Well, there was Tonks, but she was off limits for many, many reasons. Not just because she was Sirius Black's cousin but also because of-

*Knock Knock*

Harry furrowed his brows, clearly remembering being a brat and demanding that nobody disturb him. He wasn't in the mood to play pretend with the people keeping him from his friends… other than Sirius, of course.

"Who is it?" Harry called out without moving from his bed.

"You are not pleased to see me, 'Arry?"

Almost as if he apparated, Harry was at the door and swung it open to see a vision.

"Fleur! I thought you were going to be in France for another week?" Harry was wide-eyed

"Zat was ze plan, but I missed my favorite 'ero!"

Harry narrowed his eyes in confusion before shrugging. He leaned his head out the doorway and made sure there weren't any eavesdroppers before pulling a surprised Fleur into the room and closing the door behind her.

"'Arry!" Fleur giggled, making Harry's eyes lock onto her full lips, "A leetle too forward, no?"

"You really want to play it up today, don't you?" Harry pushed Fleur against the wall, making her gasp in shock. He plastered his body against her soft curves, "I always did like it when you exaggerate your accent, love."

Harry smirked at Fleur's shock and wondered if she had forgotten their deal. "I want what I'm owed, Fleur. I've had to go without you for a week. A week!"

Fleur was about to say something, but Harry didn't have the patience to listen. He had missed feeling those lips on his.

Harry moaned into Fleur's lips as he swallowed her yelp. He smiled at knowing that he could still surprise her, though why this was surprising, he didn't know.


Harry chuckled when Fleur exclaimed his name in a British accent after ripping herself away from the kiss. "You even practiced the accent, then? It's good, love, but I rather like hearing you say 'Arry."

"No! That's not it, you dolt!"

Harry ignored whatever game Fleur was playing as he unbuttoned his trousers and dropped them to the floor, looking up when he heard a choked gasp. Fleur was staring at the bulge in his underwear with wide eyes like she had never seen it before.

"What is up with you today?" Harry frowned when Fleur covered her face in embarrassment.

"I can't believe this is happening," Fleur's voice was muffled by her hands, but Harry could understand it clearly. And it made him stop from undressing further.

"What's wrong?" Harry gently moved Fleur's hands to see her mortified face, making his confusion reach new heights, "Did you change your mind about us?"

"I'm back, mon amour! Open up!"

Harry and Fleur froze as they stared at each other in shock.

"'Arry? Are you sleeping?"

Harry ripped himself away from Fleur and stormed to the door before swinging it open, unmindful of his state of undress. He summoned his wand into his hand and wondered if the headquarters had been infiltrated.

"Well, I didn't expect this welcome, my love," Fleur said as she stared at the end of Harry's wand, but not the one she preferred, "Is my presence not appreciated?"

Harry immediately turned to point his wand at the Fleur that entered his room previously. He should have known she was an imposter with all the discrepancies he noticed but passed it off as some sort of play.

"Your presence is very much appreciated, Fleur, but her's is not."

Fleur scrunched her nose in confusion and peered over Harry's shoulder to see a familiar figure with a mussed-up jumper leaning against the wall. Looking at Harry's trousers on the ground and the smeared pink lipstick on her doppelgänger, Fleur could put two and two together.

"I'm not sure if I should be jealous," Fleur chuckled as she casually started to walk past Harry until he pulled her back sharply and hugged her to his body.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked incredulously, "Go down and get some help!"


"I'd rather not."

Harry glanced at Fleur with a frown before looking at the imposter dangerously. He wasn't sure why she bothered sharing her opinion since it didn't matter.

"Let's not be too angry at dear Tonks, 'Arry," Fleur said as she closed the door to the bedroom, "I'm sure she didn't mean any harm."

"Tonks?" Harry asked with surprise. He watched Fleur saunter toward her doppelgänger without a care, making him tighten his grip on his wand.

"That's right, Tonks," Fleur repeated, "It's quite impressive. It's like I'm looking in a mirror."

"Alright, that's enough!" The imposter Fleur exclaimed, turning into a woman that looked like Tonks but exponentially attractive compared to her usual, and Harry already thought the older witch was attractive.

"I was only trying to have a bit of fun and lift that moody bloke's spirits, but how was I to know you two were getting it on?" Tonks complained indignantly.

"So this wasn't a kinky plan to get some of my 'Arry's cock?" Fleur said as she appreciated what she was seeing.

"No!" Tonks threw her hands up, "I didn't even know he had that gigantic log hidden down there!"

Fleur giggled when she heard Harry choke on air behind her. "Now that you do, what do you think?"

"Fleur!" Harry yelped, becoming even more embarrassed when Tonks looked at his legs, reminding him that he was currently in his boxers. He summoned his trousers and pulled them on as Fleur whispered something into Tonks' ear.

"You'll need to apologize, 'Arry," Fleur commanded after she was done with Tonks, just when Harry was zipping up his fly.

"You cannot be serious," Harry protested, "I kissed Tonks thinking it was you, Fleur! And she stopped us before I could go further! Right, Tonks?"

"Not to me, 'Arry," Fleur hugged Tonks close to her body, making Harry's eyes lock onto two rather impressive sets of tits pressed against each other, "You left poor Tonks all bothered after letting her see you in your underwear."

Fleur smiled brightly at Harry when he turned red. "Isn't he cute, Tonks? 'Arry can wear me out with how much he fucks me, but he still blushes when I say cock."

"This isn't funny, Fleur," Harry warned as he narrowed his eyes at his teasing witch.

Tonks proceeded to ignore Harry's input. "Wait, Harry wears you out? I thought Veela were supposed to be sex maniacs?"

"You believe in that stereotype?!" Fleur asked in disappointment before giggling when Tonks was about to apologize, "No, you're completely right. We are sex addicts, and that's why Harry is perfect for me. And for you, too, if you're this pent up. Right, 'Arr-AH!"

Tonks was displeased at the sudden loss of Fleur's softness pressed into her, but she didn't get to wallow in her lament for more than a few seconds. She yelped when she was thrown on the bed like Fleur had been, landing right beside the sexy blonde before a perfect bounce put her on Fleur's body with her face directly above hers.

"You're going to enjoy this, Tonks," Fleur murmured with a smirk before suddenly pulling Tonks down to taste her lips.

Harry always knew that Fleur had inclinations towards the fairer sex. It was too obvious, really, when she teased him in the middle of a rough fuck about how she would love to see him do the same to another witch.

Well, not that particular comment. It happened to be his favorite. It was what Fleur said following that. Of how she would love to have another witch eat his cum from her filled pussy. That comment happened to be his second favorite.

Still, he never really expected a threesome because Fleur was more than enough for him, no matter how much she tried to claim that he tired her out during sex. If anything, it was Harry that was weakly pushing the blonde Veela away from his sore cock as she tried to blow him back to hardness.

However, with his secret girlfriend snogging the hot metamorphmagus before him, Harry was quickly convinced that a threesome might be the best idea Fleur had. It also helped that Tonks had turned into some sort of Dark Veela, if that could be a thing.

When Fleur moaned into Tonks' lips and slid her hands from the older witch's head to the round, jutting arse Harry wanted to sink his fingers into, he stopped staring like a fool.

Harry dropped his trousers to the floor, where they belonged, and practically ripped off his shirt before climbing onto the bed. Neither Fleur nor Tonks stopped trying to duel the other's tongue into submission to spare Harry a glance, but he didn't mind. His target was the arse that Fleur was groping.

She protested a little when Harry moved her hands away but quickly reoccupied him by burying it in Tonks' black locks. His cock twitched in his boxers as he stared at the jutting arse and clamped his palms on her pillowy cheeks, groaning softly at the feeling under his hands.

"It's almost as good as mine, is it not?" Fleur smirked at him while Tonks had her lips near her ear.

"Always so prideful," Harry grinned as he made the skin-tight clothing disappear to directly feel Tonks' round arse.


Fleur shut Tonks up by slipping her some tongue before pulling back. "Having 'Arry fucking you from behind is a treat, but I think you should be on your back the first time to see how beautiful he is."

Harry felt the loss Fleur experienced when the round arse was taken away from him, but it was replaced with an even better sight.

Tonks' red lips were bruised and swollen from kissing Fleur, her violet eyes practically screamed her arousal, and more importantly, she was completely naked.

Harry cupped her perfectly-fitting tits in his hand and gently nipped a pink nipple before licking it and pulling away.

"Almost perfection, no?" Fleur purred as she knelt over Tonks' face, shivering as the metamorphmagus used her talented tongue to explore her pussy.

Harry shifted to the other nipple and sucked on it briefly before letting it go with a pop and said, "Let me guess. You?"

"I knew you were smart, 'Arry," Fleur winked as she rolled her hips on Tonks' face while her hands perked her large breasts at him, fully naked like Harry and Tonks were.

Harry couldn't deny that Fleur was right, so he didn't bother replying and focused on Tonks. He pushed her long legs up from under her knees, exposing her soaked pussy, courtesy of Fleur. However, Harry was shameless enough to use his girlfriend's hard work to his advantage.

He shuddered when his cock slid across her wet opening, making Tonks moan into Fleur's pussy.

"I truly missed this," Fleur reached down and lightly stroked Harry's cock, making it twitch at the touch. "Let me make this easier on Tonks."

Harry groaned when he felt Fleur's warm mouth around his cock for the first time in over a week. While it felt ridiculous to say it, Fleur sucking his cock would no longer make him lose control immediately like it did at the beginning, but this situation was different.

Looking away from Fleur's bobbing head, past her beautiful hair spread on her smooth back and tiny waist, Harry stared at Tonks' slender fingers firmly grabbing her fat arse. He could hear Tonks eating his girlfriend's pussy while she tried to cover his cock in saliva.

Harry reached out to give Fleur a sharp smack on her raised arse, making her moan around his cock, before firmly gripping her head.

"Hope you don't mind, Fleur. But you need to be punished for leaving me alone."

Harry waited for an approving moan from her cock-filled mouth before he engaged in his second favorite activity with Fleur.


Fucking her mouth.

Harry hissed when his balls rested on Fleur's chin, his cock bulging her slender neck after he sheathed his cock in her throat. She always did have an enormous sense of pride for being able to take his large cock into her mouth with minimal difficulty.

Though Fleur claimed that the difficulty she showed was on purpose. Apparently, he liked to hear her choke on his cock when he pounded her throat like a savage. And Harry couldn't deny that.

He slowly moved his hips back, shuddering when Fleur hollowed her cheeks to make it as hard as possible but continued to pull his cock out until only the head was surrounded by her mouth. His shaft was slick with Fleur's spit, and he could feel her tongue swirl around his tip, but as good as that felt and as good as it was to look at, it couldn't match what he intended to do.


Harry snapped his hips forward, thrusting his cock into Fleur's mouth, treating it no different from her pussy, until his balls again rested on her spit-covered chin.

"Bloody hell, Fleur," Harry hissed as he held her head to his crotch, "I missed this! Best cocksucker in the world."

"Best? We'll see about that."

Harry blinked at what Tonks said. It seemed like she finally found something important enough to stop eating Fleur's pussy, and it was to tell Harry that she was better at sucking cock. He liked that.

"I guess we will," Harry said with a strained voice as his cock twitched in the tightness of Fleur's throat.

When Fleur swallowed around the cock she was throating and slapped Harry's thigh to get a move on, he did as she asked.

Harry kept Fleur's head in place with his fingers buried in her silver-blonde hair as he started to slowly fuck her mouth, pulling his cock out until only his head was past her lips before pushing in until her pointed nose was buried in his crotch.

The relatively slow pace only lasted a few minutes before Harry's hips were truly pounding into Fleur's face. His spit-soaked balls bounced off her chin, and the choking gags began to be heard with every thrust. His cock used her throat like a pussy, fucking in and out relentlessly as Fleur moaned around the thick shaft, adding to Harry's pleasure.

"Fuck!" Harry yelled as he crashed his hips into Fleur's face uncontrollably when her whole body shuddered, and he heard her dousing Tonks with her orgasm from getting her face fucked. The choked squeal Fleur made around his cock was the trigger that pushed him over the edge.

Harry grunted and buried his cock as deeply as he could past Fleur's lips. His first blast of cum was shot directly into her stomach, quickly followed by the second. Harry pulled his cock back a few inches before slamming back in, letting Fleur drink the third blast before he slowly started to pull out.

Fleur never stopped sucking his cock, drawing all the cum Harry had to give her until her throat was free of his shaft. His tip was in her mouth, bathing her tongue with the cum he had remaining in his balls before she let his cock pop out.

Harry watched Fleur push herself up to once again stand on her knees above Tonk's head as she cleaned her cum and spit-covered chin with her fingers, shoving the mess into her mouth and swallowing eagerly.

He felt his cock already raring to go, not that he wasn't used to that with how insatiable Fleur was.

"What are you waiting for, 'Arry?" Fleur stared at him quizzically, though how she ignored her quivering legs as Tonks drew another orgasm out of her was beyond him. "I got your cock nice and wet so you could fuck Tonks without restraint. Do it!"

Tonks screamed into Fleur's cunt when she felt an unreasonably large cock spread her tight pussy apart. In her eagerness to keep her tongue buried in Fleur, she had forgotten to adjust to Harry's size and was glad for it.

Harry's cock scraped past her g-spot, making her cum instantly as her raised legs went slack in his grip. He put all his weight into the thrust until his hips slammed into her fat arse, turning her pale skin pink from the hit.

"Mon Dieu!" Fleur squealed when Tonks' screaming made her shudder in pleasure, "Do it again, 'Arry!"

"Gladly," Harry grunted and repeated the thrust, gripping Tonks' wide hips and resheathing his manhood in her tight, almost supernaturally fantastic pussy. Something she had in common with Fleur.

Tonks let out a long, throaty moan as he pounded into her in full strokes, the stretching girth of Harry's cock making her cum her brains out since she decided to keep the current tightness of her pussy. It wasn't often that Tonks could afford to cum continuously without finishing off a wizard and ending the encounter far too early. She was going to take advantage of Harry's staying power.

Tonks settled into letting out soft, almost inaudible moans between her licks of Fleur's cunt as Harry began fucking her with a force that she never experienced before and something she never thought was possible with how tight she had made her pussy. It told of how wet she was for Harry's cock.

His fingers gripped her hips firmly as he drove himself into her, occasionally freeing his hands to sharply slap her arse, making the pinkish blush on her jutting cheeks permanent, at least for the next hour if she didn't use her powers.

Tonks squealed when Harry pinched her pink nipples while fucking her senseless before leaning down to take them into his mouth, alternating between her breasts to cover them in a shine.


Harry grunted as he kept pumping his hips to keep up his pace of fucking through the suddenly increased tightness. If it was anyone else, he didn't doubt that her pussy would have strangled the hardness out of a cock. All it did for him was milk his cum out of his balls.

He bit a nipple and squeezed Tonks' tits roughly as he frantically fucked into her pussy, not bothering to even pretend like he was going to pull out. After all the effort he had put into making Tonks a fucked-stupid witch, he deserved to have a tight pussy milking his cock through his orgasm. Besides, Tonks was a witch, and a little Potter wouldn't happen unless she purposely made it so.

"Oh, MERLIN!" Tonks screamed before her yells were once again muffled by Fleur's cunt, the Veela taking advantage of it to get more pleasure for herself.

Fleur stared at Harry's pumping hips with lidded eyes, eagerly waiting for him to finish filling Tonks with his cum. The second Harry finished emptying his balls and pulled out of Tonks, Fleur immediately bent down and covered the cum-filled pussy with her mouth, pushing her tongue inside to scoop out her boyfriend's cum and swallow it with a delighted expression.

"... Damn it, Fleur. I thought I was done!"

Fleur didn't look up at Harry's complaint immediately as she slurped up most of the cum inside Tonks. When there wasn't enough to drip out, she finally pulled away to see Harry's cock pointing directly at her face.

With a giggle, Fleur asked, "And how is this a problem? My arse is feeling a little neglected. Why don't you help me there?"

Harry looked away from Fleur to her perfect arse, his cock twitching in desire when Tonks beckoned him with a finger, making him think of her claim of being a better cocksucker than Fleur. Perhaps he could test that out and have Fleur's arse with how close they were to each other.



Lots of fun and sexy as always. Great work!