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What would you do if your empire was threatened?

Adam built a financial business from scratch, and four years later, he turned it into a multimillion-dollar company until he received a tempting offer to sell his company for one billion dollars.

Upon receiving the news, he celebrated with his secretary, Tina.

However, on the same day he received the offer, while walking through the corridors of his company, Adam received a call from an unknown number.

When he answered, a voice with an effect said that great consequences awaited him if he sold his company. Adam was intrigued but didn't pay much attention at that moment.

Later, he decided to share the strange call with Susan, the managing partner of Unit B in his company. Susan was surprised and advised Adam to follow the caller's instructions to avoid any risk.

But Adam said no and was determined to move forward and sell his empire.

What Adam didn't know was that Susan was behind the mysterious call. She was willing to do anything to prevent the sale of the company, after all, it would drastically interfere with the profits she had been making in the market.

The next day, Susan spent hours thinking of ways to convince Adam to change his mind, but nothing seemed sufficient. Until she decided to take a bolder and riskier path. Susan knew that Adam would be attending a party on Saturday, so she hired Alicia, an agent and informant who would do anything to get what she wanted!

Alicia was known for getting intimately involved in the lives of large company owners to obtain confidential information and convince them to change their minds about certain decisions.

Her goal was to seduce Adam and persuade him not to sell the company.

On the night of the party, she approached Adam gradually, capturing his attention.

As the night progressed, Adam began to feel more and more involved, and at that point, Alicia had already managed to seduce him.

At the end of the party, Adam was a little drunk and sleepy, and Alicia saw the perfect opportunity to put her plan into action.

Adam accompanied her to her house, and Alicia invited him inside.

Upon entering, Adam sat on the couch, and Alicia went to the bathroom. When she returned, she saw that he was already asleep on the couch. It was the perfect moment to act.

Alicia tied up Adam and was willing to do whatever it took to convince him not to sell the company.

Alicia tried to persuade Adam in various ways but wasn't succeeding! So she decided to try something different!



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