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Trevor and Ariana are neighbors in a small neighborhood in Philadelphia. Trevor is an entrepreneur and owns his own business, while Ariana manages a home decor store.

The two have known each other for some time, and occasionally Trevor offers his help to Ariana in her business. He has marketing skills and is always willing to share his knowledge with her.

However, there is something that constantly bothers Ariana: during leisure time, Trevor often plays the guitar, and the loud sound often disrupts her work in the store.

Ariana decides that she needs to resolve this situation because she can't concentrate when Trevor is playing the guitar. Ariana sends a message to Trevor, inviting him to come to her house.

One day, while Ariana is practicing at her house, Trevor rings the doorbell.

Ariana promptly answers and explains her idea to him.

Together, they go to Ariana's office, where she kept some craft materials.

Ariana asks Trevor to lie on the floor and ties his feet to a chair! Trevor finds it strange but does what Ariana asks!

Little does Trevor know that Ariana plans to tickle him as revenge for all the times he disturbed her by playing the guitar with loud sound!
