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This is Lara!

Lara has been analyzing a jewelry factory in Nevada for 3 weeks. It is the largest jewelry factory in the area. And she intends to break into it to steal as much gold as she can!

She attended the site every day and recorded the arrival and departure times of all employees. Based on the information she gathered, Lara scheduled a date and time for her invasion on her phone.

four days after her last visit, Lara arrived at the factory believing it was empty. 

She tried to climb the fence to find the entrance door, but the electricity of the fence was activated and Lara received a high-voltage shock, causing her to collapse to the ground unconscious.

When she woke up, Lara realized she was locked up in a room, without her shoes on. 

The owner of the factory appeared and told her that he had seen her attempting to break in through the security cameras. Now, he intended to tickle Lara's feet to teach her a lesson.



Please include the models faces when being tickled! Would make a huge difference!